May 19-20 – Opting out?
"Those who try to hold on to their lives will give up true life. Those who give up their lives for me will hold on to true life" - Matt.10:39
100 years ago Jack was one of the workmen who had volunteered to work through the nights on into the early hours of the day to complete the runway required to enable the Dambuster's crews to take off on their scheduled flight and take out the dams in Germany. Everything was in place. The night was deceptively calm, and a bomber's moon lit the skies – ideal. The tension felt by all was tangible as the crews waited for the signal to go. Letters to loved ones were signed off, with a whispered prayer that they would never be sent.
This unsaid prayer was repeated by Jack and his fellow labourers as they lined the runway and removed their caps in respect as each of the Dambuster's planes took off into the unknown....young men, willing to place their lives God's hands – to let Him take care of their present and whatever their future may turn out to be.
One of the returning RAF pilots was a young man called Leonard Cheshire who was awarded the Victoria Cross for helping to defeat the evil of Nazi Germany.
The horrors Leonard witnessed can only be imagined, so much sacrifice during the war. Leonard was determined to dedicate the rest of his life to build a better world. He began by campaigning for better treatment for ex-RAF servicemen. True to his word in 1948 , he opened his own door to welcome in Arthur Dykes who was dying from terminal cancer. Just before he died, Arthur asked Leonard:
'If someone else comes along, whoever it might be, don't turn him away. Please take him in.'
Leonard honoured Arthur's dying wish, caring for many disabled people in his own home. One man, and one mission, became the disability charity known today as Leonard Cheshire Disability – a mission that yearly helps some 6,700 people in the UK.
Isaiah 43:18-19, God spoke to His people through the prophet Isaiah saying: “Do not remember the former things, Nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness, And rivers in the desert.” -
Maybe you’ve sensed God asking you to let something — or someone — go. Asking you to let go of the mistakes you know you have made, because He has already forgiven you. Asking you to let go of the anger arising from the situation that’s consuming your thoughts....hand over the feelings of frustration, resentment, and condemnation that are niggling at you, night and day, so you, and they, can live free.
You want that desperately, but it can be hard to let go when you don’t know what that means. May I share the definition of letting go with you?
Letting go is giving up what is beyond your control to embrace what you can change.
In Isaiah 43:18-19, God spoke to His people through the prophet Isaiah saying: “Do not remember the former things, Nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness, And rivers in the desert.”
In our scripture reading, (Matt.10:39), Matthew is saying: 'there are two ways to view life - protect it, or pursue it.' The goal isn't to live a long life, but to live a life modeled on the life of Jesus. This is exactly what Leonard did. He proved that it is possible by letting go of his fears, and letting God, one person can change the world.
Letting go isn’t easy in the beginning, because holding on is our natural response. But there’s so much hope! Just as the prophet Isaiah describes new roads in the desert and rivers in the wilderness, as we give up what we can’t control, to embrace what we can change, new ways of thinking, relating and living will be carved into our very being.
And the beautiful thing about letting go and actually placing our lives and situations into His hands? It doesn’t just change us, but it has the power to alter the next generation, and the next after that.(Proverbs 31 Ministries)
When we leave something, or someone, in God's hands, acknowledge our helplessness and dependence on God. We have to take our hands off and trust God to do what is best for us, and for those we are concerned about. This is a far different cry to shrugging off responsibility. We know, and believe, that whatever/whoever we commit to God's hands are in safekeeping – He will never fail us....He will never let us down.
There is no better place for us to be than in the hands of God. What is troubling you right now? Place it in God's hands. What/who do you hold precious and dear? Place it/them in God's hands. What about your goals and aspirations? Place them in God's hands…He will not fail us.
Our children can never go beyond the reach of a loving God. There's nothing they can ever do that God will close the door on them. We can trust our loved ones' safety to a caring God. But you say, right now they don't want to know. They see the grass on the other side as far greener – religion is boring, and as they say, “Doing their heads in!” They are adamant they want no more of it.
In your most desperate moments, remember - Letting go is giving up what is beyond your control to embrace what you can change, and handing the rest over to God.
Like a good parent, God's love and care will not let go. 
Click on the picture to listen to today's music – another from Bryn's selection - “The Master's Hand” – Dolly Parton