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May 26-27 - Unconditional

May 26-27

The islanders showed us unusual kindness” - Acts 28:2

Imagine the scene.
Two hundred and seventy-six people – soldiers and crew (amongst them the Apostle Paul) – all standing on the Malta shore....drenched, frozen to the core, with nothing to their names but the clothes on their backs. Having survived a ship-wreck they had no goods to trade. No potential for spending to boost the island's economy. Just themselves.

Yet the islanders welcomed them with “unusual kindness, responding to the need of the moment and not to the reputation of the castaways. Now that is hospitality – hospitality that didn't end until they waved the two hundred and seventy-six people “goodbye” as they left the island to continue their journey, equipped with all they needed. By then, history tells us that the whole island of Malta was converted to Christianity. They had welcomed the good news of Jesus, His birth, death, and resurrection, as readily as they had accepted the dying strangers. The hospitality of the Maltese islanders was unconditional, and an example to us all. Are we reacting to the need of the moment, regardless of reputation, status etc?

This week in Manchester we witnessed unconditional love for others in action following a suicide bombing in the Arena at the end of a pop concert that killed twenty-two people, mainly children and injored so many others – (you will have read about it on social media). As the crowds fled in terror local people opened the doors of their homes to complete strangers, giving them places of safety and refuge. Taxi proprietor's instructed their drivers to fill their cabs and drive terrified people away from the area to any destination they wanted for no charge. They responded to the need of the moment out of compassion and love regardless of colour, creed and appearance.

May the prayers of us all be with those who are grieving the loss of their children and loved ones, that they will find comfort and solace in the Lord's arms. The Lord will repay.

"But whoever causes the downfall of one of these little ones who believe in Me--it would be better for him if a heavy millstone were hung around his neck and he were thrown into the sea” - Mark 9:42.

Today's music
is “Remember my name in your prayers” - Doyle Lawson/Quicksilver. Click on the picture to listen.


Today's music is



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