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May 22 - What is gender neutrality?

May 22

‘So, God created human beings, making them to be like himself. He created them male and female’ Genesis 1:27

There are so many things that, as a Christian, are alarming me. Sooner than we think we are going to be called to account for not only our religious beliefs but also our stance on political correctness. Take for example this seemingly thought provoking headline I read on www.christianheadlines.com; Is it time to replace Mother’s Day? Usually it is not the kind of article to catch my attention but I clicked on the link just to satisfy my curiosity and I was truly open mouthed shocked by what I discovered. Click on the undelined text above to read the article.

This well written article by Jim Denison is highlighting gender neutrality or the gender neutrality movement. This ‘…describes the idea that policies, language, and other social institutions should avoid distinguishing roles according to people's sex or gender, in order to avoid discrimination arising from the impression that there are social roles for which one gender is more suited than another.’ Wikipedia

‘Columnist Emma Teitel is proposing that “we scrap both Mother’s Day and Father’s Day for good,” replacing them with “Guardian’s Day.” Her reason: both holidays assume that a parent is a female or a male.

Stop and think about that for a second, I did. Personally, I think this is a case of political correctness gone mad. The bible clearly says in Genesis 1:27

So, God created human beings, making them to be like himself. He created them male and female

Yet Government policies are edging forward to dictate a worldly view that is not consistent with the bible. Matthew 5:37 states, 

Say only ‘yes’ if you mean ‘yes,’ and say only ‘no’ if you mean ‘no.’ If you say more than that, it is from the Evil One. (ERV)

What say you?

The Winans sing ‘Bring back the days of yea and nay.’ Click on the picture to listen.



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