Daily Reading
Return to BlogMay 9 - and then...
‘And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.’ Matthew 24:14
Friends, we almost at the place in worlds history when preaching of the gospel is public is a criminal offence. Last month I drew our attention this case here in the United Kingdom ‘London Street Preachers Convicted of Quoting the King James Bible’. And now I have recently read of an incident where an American college student was banned ‘for Preaching Gospel in ‘Free Speech Zone’. Please click on the underlined text to read the articles for yourself
What does this actually mean? Matthew 24:14 is like many verse in the bible, conditional. It could be read like this;
The end shall come after this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world.
My question today is; if preaching of the gospel is banned, meaning the state no longer allows it, does it mean that the end is nigh? Are the days of street witnessing over?
The societies in which we live seem more inclined to protect a homosexual rally or gay pride march than they are a group of Christians standing up for their faith. Todays’ blog is short because I want you to read the underlined articles to further arm yourselves with the present truth of the situation of our world. We need to pray like we never have before. Time is short
Andrae Crouch sings ‘We need to hear from you’. Click on the picture to listen.
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