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May 29 - Passion

May 29

Your heart will be where your treasure is. Matthew 6:21

In every language, there are certain words that are regional. One such word that, to my knowledge, is the word ‘mardy’ that originates from the North of England. It means to be sulky, grumpy or to act sulky.

I thought of this word when I saw one of my sporting heroes, Lewis Hamilton, after placing 7th in the Monaco Grand Prix. If I was within ear shot I might have been tempted to say, ‘it’s only a race Lewis!’ but then again, I might have lost my nerves as a know he must work out pretty hard to be able to hold a car at that speed around some of those corners. But then again maybe I have misunderstood why he seems to be mardy after a race lose.

You see, it comes down to what your passion is. Even after all the hard work to reach a certain standard, we all have our personal goals that other do not see. For example, those musicians who have spent years perfecting their craft still feel disappointed when they make a mistake during a performance. All the platitudes of those who gave up that instrument years ago and wished they still played it are little consolation in that moment. Why? Because passion is something that cannot be brought, it is something which begins in our heart, deep inside of us, and is linked to our emotions and our sense of worth.

So maybe Lewis Hamilton wasn’t portraying being mardy. He was displaying, on his face, what his heart was feeling.

Matthew 6:21 reads;

Your heart will be where your treasure is.

What is your treasure? Is Jesus part of it?

The Muneri sisters sing ‘All we ask’. Click on the picture to listen.



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