Daily Reading
Return to BlogMay 18 - Decisions
May 18 - Decisions
" And at your back, when you are turning to the right hand or to the left, a voice will be sounding in your ears, saying, This is the way in which you are to go” - Isaiah 30:21 (BBE)
Do you fill up your today with tomorrow's troubles? Do you have a decision to make? Why do we so easily gravitate toward taking on the future before its time? Well, we say, we're just trying to be wise. We're trying to plan ahead and be ready for the worst case scenario. Have you ever thought about the process you use? Some of us agonize over decisions; even the smallest ones and make lists of pros versus cons and see which list is longer. Then in contrast, some of us are the "spur of the moment" type who make snap decisions. We do most of our worrying in our mind and nothing productive is forthcoming. Except maybe a rise in blood pressure and rampant speculation.
I must admit that I am somwhat the cautious type, because I have learned from past mistakes and see how unwise some things in the past have turned out due to me making an emotional decision. .
The wisest way we can make decisions is to always include God in the process. I like the way The Message expresses Proverbs 3:6; "Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he's the one who will keep you on track." Submit your decisions to him and ask for wisdom in making choices. As Jesus said; "Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." (Matthew 6:34) There we see it; Jesus is giving us permission to contain our thoughts to one day at a time. One day is a lot easier to handle than all the tomorrows in front of us.
Here's something I have noticed over the years as I have tried to control my worrying about what is going to happen. I found out that about 90% of it never happens anyhow. Most of it was pure conjecture on my part; troubles that never materialized. So I wasted a lot of time. I wasted a lot of worry.
Think about whatever troubles you have at the moment. If you don't have any, that's great - you get a free day. If you have some troubles, go ahead and do the best you can to resolve them. But tomorrow's troubles? Tell them to wait their turn.
Always ask God for His help then, add a pinch of patience. Ask Him to tell you what you can do, then trust. After making a major decision, let it rest 24 hours before acting on it.
Have a decision coming up? Decide now to make it the right way.
(Acknowledgements Hannah's Cupboard)
Music is from Bryn's selection - Doyle Lawson and Quicksilver “He's my Guide.” To listen, click on the picture.
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