October 5 – Wakey, wakey!!
“I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it” - Matthew 16:18

This year the Christian church celebrates the 500th Anniversary of the Protestant Renaissance. The message of the Reformation for people living in the 21st century is the answer to the universal question: What is the purpose of my life and does my faith in God really matter?
Martin Luther (1483 – 18) was a German professor of theology, composer, priest, monk, and a prominent figure in the Protestant Reformation.
Luther came to reject several teachings and practices of the Roman Catholic Church. He strongly disputed the Catholic view on indulgences as he understood it to be, that freedom from God's punishment for sin could be purchased with money.
Luther taught that salvation and, consequently, eternal life are not earned by good deeds but are received only as the free gift of God's grace through the believer's faith in Jesus Christ as redeemer from sin – the age-old dispute throughout the ages, faith versus works. His theology challenged the authority and office of the Pope by teaching that the Bible is the only source of divinely revealed knowledge from God[3] and opposed sacerdotalism by considering all baptized Christians to be a holy priesthood. We can approach God directly, personally, we do not need a go-between.
We have much to be grateful to Luther for. Despite the scaffolding surrounding the church, he awoke the 16th.c church from the slumber it had drifted into – alerted it to the dangers from within – made the Bible accessible to the laity, and by example urged it to stand up and be counted
Some years back Billy Graham and his wife Ruth set out on a European tour of historical interest. Beginning in Beijing, China, only to find the Tienanmen (Gate of Heavenly Peace, was shrouded in bamboo scaffolding. In Athens the Parthenon was also covered with scaffolding. The same applied to Versaille in Paris; the French Gothic cathedral in Chartres, and in London, Westminster Abbey. What weather and wars, over thousands of years had failed to do, pollution had accomplished in just a few. The result? The buildings were in dis-repair, eroded, corroded, and held upright by scaffolding.

Is this how people see the church? - by 'church', I am not talking about bricks and mortar but about me - about you, the church Christ speaks of in our Scripture reading.
Here we are in the 21st century, some 2,500 years since the apostles publicly declared themselves as followers of Christ – His church, and 500 years since Luther made his stand. During that time it has been scarred by wars, buffeted by storms, persecuted, and eroded, from the inside as well as from outside
But God is at work restoring His church, repairing, cleaning, purifying, He knows the beginning from the end. By studying the challenges, priorities and struggles of the early church, we can look beyond the scaffolding and see that the Lord still has a remnant church of authentic believers in Him, but sadly, many of this remnant are still slumbering. while the slow, silent, and subtle erosion of God's original plan goes on – and the scaffolding unchallenged.
Chuck Swindoll describes these erosions as, 'worship wars, moral pollution, and doctrinal erosion' – all slow, silent, and subtle. So, what's new? This was going on in Christ's time, and in Luther's – but how can you hear when you are slumbering?
It's time to wake up and make our stand against the erosions and infiltrations. Christ is on His way. We can't just shrug our shoulders and turn over. Alarm clocks are ringing all around the world, day after day, after day. It's time church to stand up and be counted – nail our colours to the mast. But, you ask, what can we do? What is the purpose of my life and does my faith in God really matter?God will honour any plan that leads people to accept Jesus as their personal Saviour, to surrender their lives to Him – plans that are rooted and grounded in prayer We, the church, do not need gimmicks, or adapted business techniques to reach the hearts of people with the Gospel message. The Word, presented in an interesting manner, and lived out in full transparency in our relationship with the Lord and each other will give us a strong, contagious ministry, especially when it's embedded in grace and love. This is the purpose of our lives, and the culmination of our faith in Christ.
The world is poised on the edge of destruction. Only His Word and the cross of Christ, lifted high by His church, can bring hope to millions in despair. One thing for sure. The gates of New Jerusalem will not be covered in scaffolding!
(Acknowledements Ruth Bell-Graham 'Scaffolding'. Chuck Swindoll 'The Church Awakening'.
Today's music is 'End of the Beginning' – David Phelps (LIVE)