Daily Reading

October 27 - Chip away!

October 28 – Hidden image

God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you , the hope of glory” - Colossians 1:27

I had a friend
who was a well renowned sculptor during his life-time. As a child he didn't play with toys. His idea of bliss could be found in a hammer, a chisel and a plane. He spent hours roaming the local woods for that special piece that his imagination told him, was destined to become collector's treen, or a most exquisite statue of a ballerina. In every shape and size of wood he could discern an unseen image hidden at the core just waiting for release.

It's said that we also have a built-in God Spot just waiting to be released – a beautiful form which will become a visible expression of “Christ in you, the hope of glory” - regardless of class, or status. How does He do this? He uses the afflictions, traumas, and trials that face us throughout our lives and with His hammer and chisel, chips away, revealing bit by bit His image in us. When by His grace we work with Him on forming and shaping our lives, He enables us to become witnesses, reflecting, like a lamp, His glory.

The great Renaissance sculptor in Florence, Italy,Michelangelo was once asked what he saw when he approached a huge block of marble. “I see a beautiful form trapped inside,” he replied, “and it is imply my responsibility to take my mallet and chisel and chip away until the figure is free.”

What might the “image of Christ in you” look like if you were a sxulpture that was aleady finished? What characteristics would Jesus “chisel” out of you?
(365 Days of Grace)

Jim Reeves
presents today's music - “Have Thine Own Way Lord”  Click on the picture to listen.

October 20 - Depend on me

October 20 – Depend on me

In his great mercy He has given us new birth into a living hope through the ressurection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade – kept in heaven for you” - 1 Peter 1:3-4

For the last three-four weeks,
the road I live on has been somewhat quiet and subdued. Val, one of our neighbours was on her way to the shops with her sister when she suffered a major heart attack outside her home. Sadly, she remained in a coma through the following week, suffered a further heart attack, and died.

Val was a true gem – one of those people who was a neighbour who became a good friend. She and her sister, took the sick, housebound, and lonely under their wing – even taking those with seasonal 'flu', and had no-one to care for them, into their home until well enough to return home. At Christmas lunch and teatime, Val could be seen delivering trays of food to those they knew would be alone.

Yes, Val was a woman after God's own heart. She cared more for others than for herself, and she did it all, despite suffering and living with, several serious degenerative diseases. Val was dependable. I look forward to The Day when we meet again - didn't Jesus say He has sheep of other folds?.

Despite the difference in our theological beliefs (Val was brought up Catholic by her grandmother) her faith in God and Jesus was strong and had sustained her throughout a turbulent childhood and adulthood – prayer was her lifeline. She walked the walk.

Joni Eareckson Tada who also experienced 'walking the walk' in her own personal life says, 'Real love is in action – a selfless, sacrificial giving. The greatet act of love anyone can perform is to give himself or herself for others.

Sometimes it's easier to say, “I'd die for you,” than it is to say, I'll live for you. Let me put your desires first. Let me think of your interests before my own.” I think we would all agree that living sacrificially is a real death to self. It's a killing of your selfishness, your own desires.

To die for others, to live for others, is a gift of love that can only come from God. Why only from Him? Because it takes superhuman strength to live – I mean really LIVE - for others.'

From Bryn's collection,
today's music is “Stand by me” - Stephen Hill (LIVE) the Gaithers. Click on the picture as usual to listen.

October 14-15 - Talk it over

October 13-14 – Talk it over

Cursed is the one who trusts in man (human nature), who depends on flesh for his strength and whose heart turns away from the Lord....But blessed is the man (or woman) who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him” - Jeremiah 17:3-7

Have you ever
felt so angry at a situation you had no control over that you have paced the floor until you felt so full of rage you didn't know what to do?

Jan Dravecky, writing about the day her husband Jan was SO angry with God, paced the floor as his anger grew.  She says: 'Dave spoke out loud, “You know what? I can't feel You. I can't see You. I can't sense You. I don't even know if You exist anymore. And if You do exist, why aren't You helping me?”

As he fumed with anger, Dave said: “You know what I need to do? I need to run. I'll just go back to the world. Just like in the beginning when I didn't understnd You. I need to get busy. I need to fill my life up with things. I have enough money now. I could fill myself up with material things. I ought to just turn my back on You!”

But even as he said it, he knew he couldn't, despite all the pleasures, promises, and distractions the secular world dangled before his eyes, luring him with it's gaudy neon lights of clubs and casinoes.

Even as he said it in the heat of his anger, Dave knew he couldn't turn his back on God for the temporary solution the world and the devil offered – he would be crazy, God offered him the only eternal answer. Right then he gave his consent to God to do whatever he wanted with, and in, his life. Jan continued, Dave 'was surprised by the release and peace he found by surrendering his life to God and not relying on himself. He somehow knew God would walk with him through this life'. For Dave this was a whole new perspective of looking at life.

Both Jan and Dave Dravecky have both gone through surgical operations, personal trials, losses, and suffering. Like us, the Dravecky's ask “Why Lord?”

At times it may feel as though God has hauled out His hosepipe, turned it on, and pointed it in the earth's direction to see who gets the wettest. Neither does He reach out for a key to wind up nature for either sunny days or hurricanes, then sit back to watch the show. No, He is a hands-on, caring, Creator God. One who takes no delight in our pain, troubles and worries – no joy in human agony.

Still we don't understand, so the Lord invites us to “Come, let us reason together....” Dave's 'reasoning together' was anger, a red rage that blinded his discernment. He gave vent.... while the Lord listened, and waited, and calmed the storm.

Click on the picture to listen to “More Than Ever” (LIVE).

October 12 - Left, or right?

"If the godly compromise with the wicked, it is like polluting a fountain or muddying a spring" —Proverbs 25:26

I was thinking about compromise the other day.  I'd made a decision that in retrospect, I was unsure had been the correct one to make.  It wasn't as though it had been a snap decision.  I'd culled it over in my mind for some time - and there lies the root of the problem.  Too much dependency and over-confidence in myself, and not enough time spent in talking the situation over with the Lord, and listening to his reply.

If we could take a survey of all people around the world who profess to be Christians, asking how many times, and under what circumstances, they have found beliefs and standards have been  compromised. Every day, in every relationship, we are required, and expected to, make compromises, and that's ok, because every relationship would get no-where without give and take.  But when that give and take infringes on our moral standards and Christian life-style, we need to be well grounded and uncompromising.

t's not that we consciously set out to compromise, but compromise is insidious – it starts with a series of steps down. Many of us have walked with the Lord for many years, then out of the blue, we trip, and fall. It happens because we've become so cock-sure that “it will never happen to me”, and before we know it, we've let down our guard.

Take Peter for instance. Peter denied Jesus on the night of His arrest. His action wasn't just a spontaneous reaction – embarrassment, or fear for his own life, he was SO sure that above all the disciples no-one could ever love the Lord as deeply as he did. There was no way he could envisage ever denying the Lord. His guard was lowered. He had become over confident in his own strength

He had already laid the groundwork for desertion. He'd already taken clear steps toward denying Christ before he entered the courtyard of the high priest and warned himself at the enemy's fire. Peter was a man who literally walked with God. But still he fell. Likewise, none of us suddenly backslide.

We see someone who falls away from the Lord and we say, "How could that be? They seemed to be doing so well." Know this: The steps may have been taken in secret, but clearly they had been taken. What has occupied our thoughts every moment of every day? Because actions spring from our thoughts. We are either building up our spiritual character or weakening it.
(Acknowledgemnts Greg Laurie)


Music choice today is Search My Heart - Lifebreakthrough - New Time Gospel Hymn.  Click on the picture to listen.


October 5-6 - Wakey, wakey!!

October 5 – Wakey, wakey!!

I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it” - Matthew 16:18

This year the Christian church
celebrates the 500th Anniversary of the Protestant Renaissance. The message of the Reformation for people living in the 21st century is the answer to the universal question: What is the purpose of my life and does my faith in God really matter?

Martin Luther (1483 – 18) was a German professor of theology, composer, priest, monk, and a prominent figure in the Protestant Reformation.

Luther came to reject several teachings and practices of the Roman Catholic Church. He strongly disputed the Catholic view on indulgences as he understood it to be, that freedom from God's punishment for sin could be purchased with money.

Luther taught that salvation and, consequently, eternal life are not earned by good deeds but are received only as the free gift of God's grace through the believer's faith in Jesus Christ as redeemer from sin – the age-old dispute throughout the ages, faith versus works. His theology challenged the authority and office of the Pope by teaching that the Bible is the only source of divinely revealed knowledge from God[3] and opposed sacerdotalism by considering all baptized Christians to be a holy priesthood. We can approach God directly, personally, we do not need a go-between.

We have much to be grateful to Luther for. Despite the scaffolding surrounding the church, he awoke the 16th.c church from the slumber it had drifted into – alerted it to the dangers from within – made the Bible accessible to the laity, and by example urged it to stand up and be counted

Some years back Billy Graham and his wife Ruth set out on a European tour of historical interest. Beginning in Beijing, China, only to find the Tienanmen (Gate of Heavenly Peace, was shrouded in bamboo scaffolding. In Athens the Parthenon was also covered with scaffolding. The same applied to Versaille in Paris; the French Gothic cathedral in Chartres, and in London, Westminster Abbey. What weather and wars, over thousands of years had failed to do, pollution had accomplished in just a few. The result? The buildings were in dis-repair, eroded, corroded, and held upright by scaffolding.

Is this how people see the church? - by 'church', I am not talking about bricks and mortar but about me - about you, the church Christ speaks of in our Scripture reading.

Here we are in the 21st century, some 2,500 years since the apostles publicly declared themselves as followers of Christ – His church, and 500 years since Luther made his stand. During that time it has been scarred by wars, buffeted by storms, persecuted, and eroded, from the inside as well as from outside

But God is at work restoring His church, repairing, cleaning, purifying, He knows the beginning from the end. By studying the challenges, priorities and struggles of the early church, we can look beyond the scaffolding and see that the Lord still has a remnant church of authentic believers in Him, but sadly, many of this remnant are still slumbering. while the slow, silent, and subtle erosion of God's original plan goes on – and the scaffolding unchallenged.

Chuck Swindoll describes these erosions as, 'worship wars, moral pollution, and doctrinal erosion' – all slow, silent, and subtle. So, what's new? This was going on in Christ's time, and in Luther's – but how can you hear when you are slumbering?

It's time to wake up and make our stand against the erosions and infiltrations. Christ is on His way. We can't just shrug our shoulders and turn over. Alarm clocks are ringing all around the world, day after day, after day. It's time church to stand up and be counted – nail our colours to the mast. But, you ask, what can we do? What is the purpose of my life and does my faith in God really matter?God will honour any plan that leads people to accept Jesus as their personal Saviour, to surrender their lives to Him – plans that are rooted and grounded in prayer We, the church, do not need gimmicks, or adapted business techniques to reach the hearts of people with the Gospel message. The Word, presented in an interesting manner, and lived out in full transparency in our relationship with the Lord and each other will give us a strong, contagious ministry, especially when it's embedded in grace and love.  This is the purpose of our lives, and the culmination of our faith in Christ.

The world is poised on the edge of destruction. Only His Word and the cross of Christ, lifted high by His church, can bring hope to millions in despair. One thing for sure. The gates of New Jerusalem will not be covered in scaffolding!

(Acknowledements Ruth Bell-Graham 'Scaffolding'. Chuck Swindoll 'The Church Awakening'.

Today's music is 'End of the Beginning' – David Phelps (LIVE)

September 29-30 - One God

September 29-30 -

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul, “therefore I will hope in him.” - Lamentations 3:22-24 ESV

Natures every day is a new beginning....Her every morn is the world made new...

She is a rewarder of those who love her.

Every culture has it's own customs and rituals – it's hopes, plans and desires for the future. This is more so when a child is born. Chief John Snow of the Stoney Indians in Alberta gives us this insight into their custom and beliefs.

'When an Indian child is born elders tell the parents, “This child is lent to you by the Creator. This child is not your own. So take care of him. Bring him up right. Teach him about the Great Spirit. Teach him to be kind, generous, brave, and courageous.”

If the child lives in sorrow or suffering, it is possible that the Great Spirit will take him back. When the child grows up to manhood and to middle-age, he is the same person the Great Spirit lent to us. And he may grow up to be an elder among us.

In our language we call the earth “Mother Earth”. We are fed from Mother Earth, we are kept alive by her and depend on her. We are part of Mother Earth, and she is part of us.

The forest is beautiful because of it's diversity. There are all kinds of flowers. There are tall trees and small shrubs-straight trees, crooked trees, leaning trees, young trees and old trees. There are trees of all colours. When the storms come and the strong winds blow, it is not against one lonely tree, but against many trees. The trees stand together. The forest is beautiful because it grown in harmony with Nature and according to the plan of the Great Creator.

In addition to the books we read in the libraries, we should also read Nature's library. Mankind can be like a beautiful forest of people if we grow according to the plan of the Creator.'

How alike we are!

Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it” - Proverbs 22:6 NKJV

Music today is Susan Boyle - “How Great Thou Art”. Click on the picture to listen.

September 23-24 - Pause a while

September 23-24 -

Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.” - Hebrews 13:2 KJV

Get two or three women together over a cuppa, and you can rely on the world, and it's residents, sooner or later, being discussed and put to rights. This week was no exception. Each person in the group commented on how much the environment of their local community has changed over the past ten years. It transpired that it's not the built environment that causes the most concern, but how much the people they come into contact with on an average day are now so different. Gone are the eye contact, warm smiles, cheerful “good-mornings!”, and time to stop a while and chat with a passing elderly, or disabled person – help offered by reading labels and reaching shopping from shelves beyond reach, and through the checkout at a supermarket.

The group agreed that the seat of the problem today stems, not only from an inward looking mentality of society at large – a society that demands not only fast food, but fast everything, and they want it NOW!. A self-sufficient attitude that has forgotten it's Christian roots. Instead, it's head and eyes down, iPhone in hand and glued to one ear, cutting them off from all verbal communication. Hurrying, scurrying, frantic to fit everything into a day's crammed schedule. No time for others.... no time for God.

In stark contrast there are many good, caring people who walk the walk, putting their faith into action, knowing that but for the grace of God it could be any one of us standing in need of love and a helping hand. For many elderly or disabled people, that trip to the supermarket could well be the only opportunity they have have had that week, to speak with another human being.

There's a story of an old man who carried a little can of oil with him everywhere he went. If he came across a door that squeaked as he opened it, he would pour a little oil on it's hingers. If a gate was hard to open, he oiled the latch. As he passed through day to day, he lubricated the hard places and made it easier for those he met on his way, or came after him.

He knew people thought he was eccentric, queer and cranky, but the old man went steadily on, refilling his oil can before it became empty, and continued oiling the hard places as he came across them.

Today, there are so many lives that creak and grate. Nothing goes right for them. They are in need of a good splash of lubrication – gladness, gentleness, and thoughtfulness – a life-line to the lonely and down-hearted. It's good to remember that each of us who are blessed to have a home, comfort, warmth, food, and a loving family, could lose all of those things instantly, either through disaster, or loss of that weekly/monthly paycheck.

Say we start off the day at home with our loved ones - it could make all the difference to your other half, and the children. Just a little of our TIME. To look up and make eye contact. SMILE. Take the phone out of our ears and LISTEN.

Lets get together and oil our squeaking hinges and latches that discourage the world to enter, and show our communities how it's done. Go on, make someone's day!!

Music for today's blog
is “If I Can Help Somebody” (LIVE) sung by Lynda Randall. Click on the picture to listen.

September 21-22 - Hand it over

September 21 -

Save me O God, for the waters have come up to my neck....I am worn and calling for help, my throat is parched. My eyes fail, for looking for my God” - Psalm 69:1;3

The waters have risen
to your neck, you're sinking fast, and your throat is cracked and dry from yelling for help. You scan the horizon for any faint hope of rescue – and your eyes come up empty.

When I read this, it roused thoughts and feelings relating to an event in my past - thoughts and feelings I was sure had been dealt with and laid to rest, but forgiving is one thing. Forgetting, another!.

Are you, or have you been, among the cornered, the desperate? If so, you're in good company. Many of God's children have felt the same noose around their necks – and yet made it through to sing of their salvation.

Have you noticed though, how complicated human relationships are? and adversity only complicates them more. Often the pain of strained relationships are more difficult to bear than the physical pain of suffering. What do you do after you've done everything you can to patch things up – and hostility still radiates from the other party? You've forgiven, asked forgiveness for your actions, tried to talk it out, prayed for reconciliation, and acted with integrity and in love....but all you get in return is animosity, false accusation, and slander.

What do you do? You heed the wise words of Judge Jepthah: “Let the Lord, the Judge, decide the dispute.” You leave the dispute in God's hands, and continue to show the love of Christ.

One comfort for the cornered is the knowledge that they are not the first (nor will they be the last) to endure such desperate hours. To build our trust in Him, God often waits until the last moment, the final second, to accomplish our rescue. And then it becomes plain that our predicament turns out to be both a test (will we trust Him?) and an opportunity (how can we gain strength from this?). It helps to know that others, like the psalmist (vv. 1-3), have been there before us.

Scripture acknowledges that we are to do all we can do within our sphere of responsibility (Romans 12:18). Having done those things, we can leave all matters in His hands.

Let the Lord, the Judge, decide the dispute this day” - Judges 11:27

(Adapted from article by Jan Dravecky, 365 Days of Hope)

The Gaithers
Vocal Band once again provides our music today - “More Than Ever”.  Click on the picture to listen.


September 16 - Trust

September 16 -

In peace I will both lie down and sleep, for You alone, O Lord, make me to dwell in safety” - Psalm 4:8

Mary-Beth stood
on the lawn surrounded by the debris of what , a few short hours ago, had been home to Mary-Beth and her five children. Practically every house on the whole of the tree lined suburban road had been ripped apart by the violence of the hurricane and tornadoes that had hit the mainland on it's destructive journey across the West Indies.

Mary-Beth had had to evacuate her home as the eye of the storm was rapidly approaching. She'd had to leave everything behind as she and her family fled for safety. As a result she had nothing but the clothes she and her family stood in.

Nation-wide TV followed her every move as she sorted through the rubble to see if there was anything they could retrieve. The interviewer asked Mary-Beth, “How do you feel as you look at the damage to your home? Why do you think it happened? What are you and your family going to do now?” Mary-Beth replied: “I'm not the only one. I may have lost everything we'd worked hard for, but I just thank God He kept me and my family safe. God will be with us, everything will be alright”.

Mary-Beth was just one of several people interviewed across the disaster areas who openly gave testimony to the goodness, dependency, and care of God – this, even in the case of one woman who had watched, unable to help, as her mother was swept away in the floods created by the tsunami that came hot on the heels of the hurricane. Also missing were three of her children, yet like Mary-Beth she declared her allegiance to God.

In Mexico a maximum category earthquake, followed by sixty-five after shocks, hit at a time when most people were in their homes. Hundreds were killed, others buried alive, children left orphans. Buildings had collapsed like a pack of cards, so they too had only the clothes they stood in. The situation became worse by the day as flood waters rose. Despite the tragedy all around them, yet person after person demonstrated implicit trust in God – a faith that allowed not one iota of doubt to enter their minds. Despite their grief they had their priorities right.

When we look around our homes and imagine having to evacuate it with our families in an instant, leaving all of our goods, clothes, food etc. behind – all we have is the clothes we stand in. How would we react? Would we grieve for the loss of material goods, all we have worked for over a lifetime? Blame God? Or, thank Him that He has kept us and our family safe, and we are content to leave the future in His hands – He will provide? Do we look at the earthly, or the eternal?

Gaither Vocal Band (LIVE) “I do Believe”
- today's music. Click on the picture to listen.


September 15 - Not always what it seems

September 15 - Not always what it seems

"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning."
James 1:17 (KJV)

When, some years ago, I first met Russell, my impression was one of a young man who loved the sound of his own voice, hyper-active, and boy, could he talk! With Russell there was neither a suitable time or occasion. Whether I was on a break, eating lunch, or preparing to leave for home, Russell was on my heels. He would even 'escape' from the training group he was scheduled to attend, and crash the class I was teaching – even the loo wasn't sacresanct – when I came out, there he was, outside the door, to pick up exactly where he had left off with his favourite topic of the day. One time it was gerbils – their care requirements and breeding habits.

Russell was then 32 years of age. Born prematurely he had, for the first six weeks of life, been put into an incubator and received too high an intake of oxygen. The result? he was blind, had a severe mental impairment and attachment dependency. To all intents and purposes it seemed that he was untrainable and destined to return to a life-time of care in one institution or another.

There was much more to Russell however. He was convinced God had given him an
angel on his shoulder to look after him – a friend, who talked with him, comforted him when he was feeling low. At night, and in his dreams he had great conversations with Jesus....it was somewhat a consolation to know I wasn't the only one to have my ears bent about gerbils!

It might seem strange to hear, but Russell was a gifted young man. If there was a piano in the building, he would find it. He played by ear, and instantly went into a world of his own. He would ask us to hum two or three notes or name a tune, no matter how old or new – pop or classical, and Russell would play a perfect rendition. At times he would come up with a new composition – thanks, he said, to his angel.

Harleigh M Rosenberger wrote in “Sunshine” magazine about Alec Templeton, another blind pianist. The whole town turned out whenever Alec visited, just to hear him play the piano, and when he played, you could hear a pin drop – the audience were listening to a master.

Harleigh continues: “It is some years now since that night I heard Alec Templeton play. Yet one scene stands out in my memory. It happened when he asked people in the audience to name three notes. The notes could be any three notes picked at random. Then from these three notes this blind pianist wove a melody” – ( just as Russell had).

From those notes he played a stirring march. Then the mood changed to a lively folk tune, then turning them into a lilting waltz. He played them as Beethoven or Wagner might have. When he finished, the audience broke into rapturous applause.

Harleigh continues: “Life gives to each person certain nots to play. At times these notes may seem to be discordant”. Life handed to both Russell and Alec the notes of blindness and mental impairment. Yet, they were both able to rise above their handicaps and become fine musicians.

It takes an artist to use the notes that are given and to play a melody of beauty with them. But it can be done. Not alone though, but by the grace and power of Almighty God – plus a great determination on your part”.

I have within me some known or unknown talent that I have never been aware of....I hold in my mind the image of myself succeeding....and make that image become fact.

Music is
“Be Free in the Love of God” Click on the picture to listen.