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October 20 - Depend on me

October 20 – Depend on me

In his great mercy He has given us new birth into a living hope through the ressurection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade – kept in heaven for you” - 1 Peter 1:3-4

For the last three-four weeks,
the road I live on has been somewhat quiet and subdued. Val, one of our neighbours was on her way to the shops with her sister when she suffered a major heart attack outside her home. Sadly, she remained in a coma through the following week, suffered a further heart attack, and died.

Val was a true gem – one of those people who was a neighbour who became a good friend. She and her sister, took the sick, housebound, and lonely under their wing – even taking those with seasonal 'flu', and had no-one to care for them, into their home until well enough to return home. At Christmas lunch and teatime, Val could be seen delivering trays of food to those they knew would be alone.

Yes, Val was a woman after God's own heart. She cared more for others than for herself, and she did it all, despite suffering and living with, several serious degenerative diseases. Val was dependable. I look forward to The Day when we meet again - didn't Jesus say He has sheep of other folds?.

Despite the difference in our theological beliefs (Val was brought up Catholic by her grandmother) her faith in God and Jesus was strong and had sustained her throughout a turbulent childhood and adulthood – prayer was her lifeline. She walked the walk.

Joni Eareckson Tada who also experienced 'walking the walk' in her own personal life says, 'Real love is in action – a selfless, sacrificial giving. The greatet act of love anyone can perform is to give himself or herself for others.

Sometimes it's easier to say, “I'd die for you,” than it is to say, I'll live for you. Let me put your desires first. Let me think of your interests before my own.” I think we would all agree that living sacrificially is a real death to self. It's a killing of your selfishness, your own desires.

To die for others, to live for others, is a gift of love that can only come from God. Why only from Him? Because it takes superhuman strength to live – I mean really LIVE - for others.'

From Bryn's collection,
today's music is “Stand by me” - Stephen Hill (LIVE) the Gaithers. Click on the picture as usual to listen.



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