Daily Reading
Return to BlogOctober 27 - Chip away!
October 28 – Hidden image
“God has chosen to make known among the Gentiles the glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you , the hope of glory” - Colossians 1:27
I had a friend who was a well renowned sculptor during his life-time. As a child he didn't play with toys. His idea of bliss could be found in a hammer, a chisel and a plane. He spent hours roaming the local woods for that special piece that his imagination told him, was destined to become collector's treen, or a most exquisite statue of a ballerina. In every shape and size of wood he could discern an unseen image hidden at the core just waiting for release.
It's said that we also have a built-in God Spot just waiting to be released – a beautiful form which will become a visible expression of “Christ in you, the hope of glory” - regardless of class, or status. How does He do this? He uses the afflictions, traumas, and trials that face us throughout our lives and with His hammer and chisel, chips away, revealing bit by bit His image in us. When by His grace we work with Him on forming and shaping our lives, He enables us to become witnesses, reflecting, like a lamp, His glory.
The great Renaissance sculptor in Florence, Italy,Michelangelo was once asked what he saw when he approached a huge block of marble. “I see a beautiful form trapped inside,” he replied, “and it is imply my responsibility to take my mallet and chisel and chip away until the figure is free.”
What might the “image of Christ in you” look like if you were a sxulpture that was aleady finished? What characteristics would Jesus “chisel” out of you?
(365 Days of Grace)
Jim Reeves presents today's music - “Have Thine Own Way Lord” Click on the picture to listen.
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