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October 14-15 - Talk it over

October 13-14 – Talk it over

Cursed is the one who trusts in man (human nature), who depends on flesh for his strength and whose heart turns away from the Lord....But blessed is the man (or woman) who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him” - Jeremiah 17:3-7

Have you ever
felt so angry at a situation you had no control over that you have paced the floor until you felt so full of rage you didn't know what to do?

Jan Dravecky, writing about the day her husband Jan was SO angry with God, paced the floor as his anger grew.  She says: 'Dave spoke out loud, “You know what? I can't feel You. I can't see You. I can't sense You. I don't even know if You exist anymore. And if You do exist, why aren't You helping me?”

As he fumed with anger, Dave said: “You know what I need to do? I need to run. I'll just go back to the world. Just like in the beginning when I didn't understnd You. I need to get busy. I need to fill my life up with things. I have enough money now. I could fill myself up with material things. I ought to just turn my back on You!”

But even as he said it, he knew he couldn't, despite all the pleasures, promises, and distractions the secular world dangled before his eyes, luring him with it's gaudy neon lights of clubs and casinoes.

Even as he said it in the heat of his anger, Dave knew he couldn't turn his back on God for the temporary solution the world and the devil offered – he would be crazy, God offered him the only eternal answer. Right then he gave his consent to God to do whatever he wanted with, and in, his life. Jan continued, Dave 'was surprised by the release and peace he found by surrendering his life to God and not relying on himself. He somehow knew God would walk with him through this life'. For Dave this was a whole new perspective of looking at life.

Both Jan and Dave Dravecky have both gone through surgical operations, personal trials, losses, and suffering. Like us, the Dravecky's ask “Why Lord?”

At times it may feel as though God has hauled out His hosepipe, turned it on, and pointed it in the earth's direction to see who gets the wettest. Neither does He reach out for a key to wind up nature for either sunny days or hurricanes, then sit back to watch the show. No, He is a hands-on, caring, Creator God. One who takes no delight in our pain, troubles and worries – no joy in human agony.

Still we don't understand, so the Lord invites us to “Come, let us reason together....” Dave's 'reasoning together' was anger, a red rage that blinded his discernment. He gave vent.... while the Lord listened, and waited, and calmed the storm.

Click on the picture to listen to “More Than Ever” (LIVE).



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