Daily Reading
Return to BlogSeptember 21-22 - Hand it over
September 21 -
“Save me O God, for the waters have come up to my neck....I am worn and calling for help, my throat is parched. My eyes fail, for looking for my God” - Psalm 69:1;3
The waters have risen to your neck, you're sinking fast, and your throat is cracked and dry from yelling for help. You scan the horizon for any faint hope of rescue – and your eyes come up empty.
When I read this, it roused thoughts and feelings relating to an event in my past - thoughts and feelings I was sure had been dealt with and laid to rest, but forgiving is one thing. Forgetting, another!.
Are you, or have you been, among the cornered, the desperate? If so, you're in good company. Many of God's children have felt the same noose around their necks – and yet made it through to sing of their salvation.
Have you noticed though, how complicated human relationships are? and adversity only complicates them more. Often the pain of strained relationships are more difficult to bear than the physical pain of suffering. What do you do after you've done everything you can to patch things up – and hostility still radiates from the other party? You've forgiven, asked forgiveness for your actions, tried to talk it out, prayed for reconciliation, and acted with integrity and in love....but all you get in return is animosity, false accusation, and slander.
What do you do? You heed the wise words of Judge Jepthah: “Let the Lord, the Judge, decide the dispute.” You leave the dispute in God's hands, and continue to show the love of Christ.
One comfort for the cornered is the knowledge that they are not the first (nor will they be the last) to endure such desperate hours. To build our trust in Him, God often waits until the last moment, the final second, to accomplish our rescue. And then it becomes plain that our predicament turns out to be both a test (will we trust Him?) and an opportunity (how can we gain strength from this?). It helps to know that others, like the psalmist (vv. 1-3), have been there before us.
Scripture acknowledges that we are to do all we can do within our sphere of responsibility (Romans 12:18). Having done those things, we can leave all matters in His hands.
“Let the Lord, the Judge, decide the dispute this day” - Judges 11:27
(Adapted from article by Jan Dravecky, 365 Days of Hope)
The Gaithers Vocal Band once again provides our music today - “More Than Ever”. Click on the picture to listen.
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