November 11 - Take up thy bed... A word to the men: Part 2
Jesus saith unto him, "Rise, take up thy bed, and walk." John 5:8
This brother, (the man) was living with reams of guilt, shame and rejection. His emotional turmoil, his inner world through which he perceived himself and others was distorted under a huge weight of condemnation and isolation caused by his former life choices that lead to his sin and estrangement from God and his loved ones. He saw in his life only the misery that he had brought upon himself, the pain he had caused others, and the distance he had created between himself and God. Sensing his brokenness and helplessness, he sought relief from the depth of his lonely despair. In this state the man had no pride or arrogance, he was not hiding behind a veil of excuses, but rather saw himself as a sinner in need of a Saviour, mournful of the pain he had caused to others, he was broken – and so ready to be restored.
It is quiet important to note that as Jesus looked upon the man, Jesus did not tell the man to rise up first, rather just met the man’s most pressing inner needs first – the need to be forgiven. In Jesus declaring his sins forgiven, Jesus helped him to realise that God no longer regarded his sin as an obstacle to separate the him from heaven’s blessing; but rather that his sin was absolved and now we was forgiven. Jesus also affirmed that God accepted him and that he was favoured in the eyes of heaven, that he was a child of God created in his image. As a result the man’s emotional burned was lifted and he felt the freedom that only salvation brings. Describing this scene through Holy Ghost inspired perceptions, Ellen White wrote in the book Desire of Ages page 268 “…he accepted the words of Jesus as the boon of new life. He urged no further request, but lay in blissful silence, too happy for words. The light of heaven irradiated his countenances, and the people looked with awe upon the scene”.
Emotionally healed.
With his sins forgiven, the man experienced emotional healing. He no longer saw himself as a reject but as a son of God. His inner thoughts which previously were negative, self-condemning, void of faith and judgemental were now reframed and covered by an experience and attitude of Grace and Mercy. As he experienced the restoration of his relationship with God, he experienced an emotional peace that settled his former troubled mind, thus enabling him to know the peace of God, to be at peace with God and to be at peace with others. As a result he no longer harboured feelings of insecurity, shame, anger, bitterness or resentment, but was empowered to understand that God loved him and therefore he lovingly regarded the needs of others. You could say that the reality of 2 Timothy 1:7 was at work now in his life. “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” Ultimately, in healing the man’s emotional inner world, Jesus was preparing him for what was to come next.
'I need you now' is todays song by Smokie Norful. Click on the piano to listen.