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November 4 - Take up thy bed... A word to the men:Part 1

November 4 - Andrew Rashford-Hewitt

“Arise, and take up thy bed, and go thy way into thine house.  Luke 2:11”

The man had now come to accept that his life was ebbing slowly from him as his paralysis weakened him on every level, mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually.   His hope had almost flattened out to a complete bottom line.  All his friends had forsaken him, except a faithful few.  His family was no longer in reach because of his physical condition that meant the home was broken.  At the point when we was about to give up on life, hope presented him with one last chance.  

By the support and care of his faithful few friends, they stretchered him to the little house in
Capernaum in which the teacher of Nazareth was preaching.  As they arrived, they realised that there was no way that their friend could meet Jesus as the house was completely filled to overflowing.   In seeking to seize the opportunity, the man and his friends decided to carry him to the roof and then break up the thatched, wooden and mud roof and lower him down into the midst of the crowd who were sitting and listening to Jesus.  

With silence all looked eagerly expecting Jesus to heal him of his physical condition.  But Jesus, seeing the man’s inner need, declared his sins forgiven.  Then, after a dealing with the negativity and evil scepticism present in the hearts of some,   to drive home His divine authority to forgive sin, and to completely restore the man, Jesus said to the sick of the palsy,

“Arise, and take up thy bed, and go 
thy way into thine house.  Luke 2:11”

Now this amazing event, recorded in the Gospel of Luke and Mark is really very remarkable on many levels.  Allow me to share just a few with you with a particular focus on the men as here Jesus ministers to a man.  

Marvin Winans sings 'Draw me close to you' for our song today.



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