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SEPTEMBER 3 - Look to the mountain

SEPTEMBER 3 – Look to the mountain

For the Lord is the great God, the great king above all Gods. In Hid hand are the depths of the earth, and the mountain peaks belong to Him. The sea is His, because He made it, and His hands formed the dry land” - Psalm 95:3-5.

Sue had fired her doctor, was served divorce papers by her husband, alienated her friends and lost her leg below the knee to an aggressive cancer. And she asked me “Where is God?”

A widowed friend, Anna, is trying desperately to be self-sufficient. It's difficult, if not near impossible, to get her to speak of her pain. She seldom admits she is in over her head – although it's obvious to everyone around her. It's hard to help her because her hands don't reach out for help; they cover up her wounds instead. The most she verbalises are the words, “Why, why me? Why has God taken Tom from me?”

Both of these women won't 'cry out' because they think it's a sign of weakness. God brings helpers to their doors, but they turn them away – they don't want to be a burden.

Perhaps the most painful part of suffering and loss is the perceived absence of God - “Why, Lord, do you reject me and hide your face fom me?” (Psalm 88:14). Life-threatening illnesses, and sudden loss can tear the heart of, not only the people directly affected, but close friends and family also. How do we help these people?

Pray for them. Be there for them. Cry with them when they cry. Let them know you are with them throughout their crisis, no matter how long it may last. When the moment is right, as they go through the grieving process, take the opportunity to pray with them. Gently lead them to the light at the other side of the dark mountain.

Dave and Jan Dravcky write: 'But in the mountains, after the storms pass, the air is fresh, the sky is a clear translucent blue. Wildflowers that are watered by the rains paint the fields with brilliant colours as far as the eye can see. Like Solomon, I can say, "See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone. Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come.”'

Through the valleys of depression and the storms of tears, the promises of God will prove true in Sue and Anna's lives.

Our music this morningis "When I Cry" sung by the Gaithers Vocal Band.  Click on the picture to listen.



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