Daily Reading
Return to BlogSeptember 29 - Compass point
September 29 -
“Let us therefore draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and may find grace to help in time of need” - Romans 4:16.
When he was thirteen years old, one of my brothers joined the local Boy's Brigade. He returned home after his first session exited and bubbling over with his new-found knowledge....did my parents know that a compass needle is just a little magnet that aligns itself with the much larger magnetic field of the earth? And did they know that it's easy to distract, and confuse, a compass needle close to it – a fridge magnet for instance would be enough to drag the compass needle off it's true reading.
A compass rests only when it has one influence. When it is aligned with the earth's polesYou know, prayer is like that. When we pray our spiritual compass is set away from all the influences that distract us – we allow our compass to settle in the magnetic field of God's will...our soul is aligned with Him....His influence is our priority.
Paul is a good example of what our attitude to prayer should be. Paul was talking to the Collosians (4:23) at the time, and he used a word “devote” which means “persistently attentive,” and he added two characteristics of a persistent prayer life, “watchful” and “thankful.”
Terry Boyle says, 'The word watchful suggests an alert mind. Spiritual eyes wide open. Prayer is not for sleepyheads. When we pray we should be clear thinking. We should be aware of, and resist, the enemy's attempted intrusions anddistractions. In addition we must be sensitive to God's promptings, and leadings, as we align our will with His.'
Interesting, but I don't go along entirely with Terry. How many times have you fallen asleep while praying? How many dilemmas have you been faced with – decisions needing to be made, urgently, and you needed to pray for direction? At the time you was far from clear thinking. On top of that, the phone and doorbell goes into overdrive¬ All we can say is HELP!!
Terry also speaks of thankful prayer being perhaps the hardest of all prayers – when your world is falling in around your ears. Really? It would be interesting to know if any of you agree with this? Or are you of the same opinion as Paul, writing in Philippians 4:6 that prayerful thanksgiving is the only true way to finding peace for the heart and soul – despite the trying times? Prayer is such a privilege to be thankful for – knowing the Lord is there, listening, and waiting.
“In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God” - Romans 8:26-27.
Keep your compass aligned, because
“Jesus is Our Compass” (New Gospel Song) – today's music choice. Click on the picture and sing along to the lyrics.
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