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September 22 - Choose the memory

“I thank my God every time I remember you.” Philippians 1:3 (NIV)

Paul was having a bit of a hard time in Philippi.  According to Acts 16 in Philippi he was illegally arrested, whipped, humiliated, and thrown into prison — before finally being asked to leave town. Yet he felt able to say, “I thank God every time I remember you.” 

Looking back over the years, and the people you've met, what is it you remember about these people? What sticks in your mind - the good times or the bad?  Paul could have dwelt on the negative. He could have remembered the painful memories but he chose not to; instead, he focused on the things he could be grateful for. Paul said, “I like to remember the good things about people, focus on the good times we’ve had, remember the positive experiences.”  There's perspective for you!  Not only perspective, but a tremendous faith in God that "all things work together for good, to them that love God...."

'Maybe you have been hurt in the past by a parent or a partner and you’re still holding on to that hurt. As a result you can’t enjoy being around them today. You’re still focusing on the bad and the negative.  Be grateful for the good in people. Pleasant memories are a choice. I can choose what I’m going to remember about the past.  I’m not saying that you deny the hurts you’ve had or that you excuse the weaknesses in other people. That is psychologically unhealthy. But focus on the good and choose to emphasize the strengths.' Rick Warren

This is exactly what Betsie Ten Boom did.  Captured and imprisoned by the Japanese during the Second World War there was an incident about fleas that is worth repeating. Corrie and her sister had, at great risk, managed to  smuggle a Bible into their barracks where they held nightly worship services for hundreds of women. During their  private devotional time one evening, they chose this passage in I Thessalonians; "Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances". Betsie immediately gave thanks, convinced that their present position was God's answer to how they could survive each miserable day.

Corrie wasn't totally convinced but went along with her sister as Betsie began thanking God for EVERYTHING. But when it came to Betsie thanking God for the infestation of fleas they were living with, Corrie felt that was a step too far. Betsie was insistent, and Corrie finally managed to choke out her "thank you" for the fleas.

Barbara Landais writes: 'In the meanwhile, their little congregation grew and grew and as no guards ever bothered them, they became bolder and finally started a second service after the evening roll call. Months went by until one afternoon Betsie found out why they were left to operate their makeshift church without interference. It was the fleas. When asked to settle a dispute, the guard refused to enter the door to their dormitory. She said; "That place is crawling with fleas!"

So the fleas were a blessing after all and God used them to make room for worship inside one of the worst hell holes on earth. When viewed from that perspective, Corrie could finally see a reason to thank God in all circumstances. Each of us would be wise to follow her example.'

What hidden blessings are in our own "Philippi's," our own "fleas"? Right now, be like Paul, Betsie, and Corrie, and pick the hardest, most unlikely thing in your own life and thank God for it. It may not be clear right now, but in His time God will turn it into a blessing - just like those blessed fleas.

"In Everything Give Thanks" - LIVE is Bryn's choice of music for us today.  Click on the fleas to listen.



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