Daily Reading
Return to BlogSeptember 2-3 - Little things mean a lot
September 2-3 – Little things mean a lot
“One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much, and one who is dishonest in a very little is also dishonest in much” - Luke 16:10 ESV
After a concert Paderewski, the well-known pianist, was asked, “To what do we owe your breathtaking ability on the keyboard?” Hesitatingly, Paderewski replied; “I'm not sure. I suppose music was born in me. If I can take any credit at all for being able to play the piano it's perhaps because every day I practice scales for hours on end.”
“Scales?” echoed a surprised admirer. “Just scales?” "If I cannot do the little things simply and easily, replied Paderewski, how am I to do the biggest things!”
Do you think perhaps that this is why most of us miss the main point of living, simply because we concentrate our minds and every effort in striving for the big things in life?
On the media we see the headlines and feel envy for the “talent show stars” with their big houses, and yachts. Videos show them jetting away to foreign lands reclining on sun-loungers while being waited on hand and foot. Their houses are equipped with the latest technology and labour saving devices – limousines – chauffeurs,,,,the list goes on?
We plod on wondering why things don't change for us. Paderewski had the answer when he said, he was able to play the piano because “every day I practice scales for hours on end.”
It's when we do the daily humdrum things to perfection that we give our gala performance, bringing help and pleasure to those whose lives touch ours, day by day.
Music today “Jesus Walks Ahead of Me” - Larry Sparks and the Lonesome Ramblers(LIVE). Click on the picture to listen.
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