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SEPTEMBER 15 - Three step method

September 15

‘He went to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, and on the Sabbath day he went into the synagogue, as it was his custom. He stood to read,’ Luke 4:16

Continuing on from yesterday I want to share with you the second gem I learned when I saw Pastor Mark Finley at the Open day at Stanborough Press in Grantham. Dr Finlay said that one of the questions he was asked most on his travels around the world was, how did he manage to commit so much of the bible to memory? Apart from the obvious answer of daily reading and meditating in and on God’s word, he shared this method which I found useful.

The context for this he used was the common core of education about 30-40 years ago, the three R’s of reading, writing and arithmetic. Now we know that they don’t all begin the letter ‘R’ but they all have the ‘R’ sound and this is how they were commonly referred to. He has coined his own phrase again using the 3 sounding R’s principle and they are; read, write and repeat.

First he says that we should read the scripture from the bible and meditate on it, think about what it mean. Then he says take a piece of card and write it down. This reinforced what was just a visual action into a kinaesthetic process where you are doing a physical action to do with what you have seen. The third step was to repeat this text by saying over and over again whilst walking, on the bus, meditating. This should be done as often as is possible and formed into a habit, not something we just do once and then put down.

I have used the same text from yesterday, and will leave you with this one thought, if it was good enough for Jesus, then surely it is good enough for us, right?

The music today, thank you Bryn, is sung by Vince Gill ‘Tell me one more time about Jesus’. Click on the picture to listen.



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