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October 26 - Sell it on Ebay

October 26 - Sell it on Ebay

“He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the LORD; and that which he hath given will he pay him again” - Proverbs 19:17

Two weeks ago I took outgrown clothes from my kids' wardrobes, sorted them out and put them up for sale on eBay. I have since sold 12 items for over £50 and still have more to sell. This £50, though it may seem a small amount, will go a long way in replacing some of the kids' outgrown clothes.

This wasn't the first time I sold used clothes on eBay. Over a year ago I sold a couple of my clothes on eBay after losing weight. I sold the clothes for over £100. It didn’t seem much but every little helps. I was then able to purchase a couple of garments with that money.

Our Church clothes sell best as they are often in good condition and attract buyers. The clothes we choose not to sell are taken to our local hospice where we have developed a relationship. In our case we take clothes to St Oswalds Hospice Charity shop in Newcastle who then sell them to help support their hospices.

Here are the 3 simple steps to selling on eBay:

1) List it. It's easy as taking pictures, describing your item, setting the price, and letting the site do the selling.

2) Ship it. When your item sells, ship it to your buyer. Print off eBay labels and then get discounts on shipping.

3) Get paid. It's free to sign up for PayPal, the fast, easy, and safe way to get paid on eBay.
Lynn Samwinga - SmartSteward

If we make the effort,
we get the return, as our music today says - (cast your) "Bread Upon the Water."  Click on the picture to listen.



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