Daily Reading
Return to BlogOctober 21-22
October 21-22
“I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth. He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber. Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep. The Lord is thy keeper: the Lord is thy shade upon thy right hand. The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night. The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul. The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore” - Psalm 121: 1-8
I remember the first time I visited the Lake District in the UK. I had taken my mother for a holiday in the area to celebrate her eighty-fifth birthday. Each day we toured a different part of the district taking in a lake, and places of particular interest, such as William Shakespeare's church and burial site – his home at Grasmere and Beatrix Potter's home and gardens at Hilltop Farm, Sawrey etc.
One evening, determined to use up every last minute of the sunshine, we drove across the moors to a place I had always thought was fictional – just the lyrics of a childhood song....”D'you ken John Peel” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PVqMybMluBM. John Peel was a Cumbrian farmer and huntsman who died on 13th November 1854. The place mum and I were heading for that evening was St. Kentigen's church at Caldbeck near Wigston where John Peel is buried – the church he and his relatives attended throughout his life.
For a small island we are truly blessed. The scenery of The Lakes is spectacular, breathtaking – and this is only one place out of many others. Spring, summer, autumn or winter, it doesn't matter, as each season brings with it it's own 'renewal', including well loved stamping grounds.
There's no wonder that Jesus retreated to the hills and mountains when He was under pressure from the crowds, or just needed to be alone with His Father.
Whenever we are in a position where we have a decision to make and don’t trust ourselves. When we need time to think and pray, to see what God has in mind, we can do no better than escape and spend time in the hills. In the midst of a sixty-hour work weeks being the typical for many, it's difficult to hear anything but our own anxious thoughts buzzing around in our heads.
This was where I was when I went on holiday to The Lakes. Both mum and I were exhausted and emotionally drained from 24 hour care of my dad who had recently died. During that time I had continued working full-time during the day, and caring for him through the night to allow her to get some rest....then after his death, mum's health surrendered to the stress she had been under. She had a heart attack followed by a massive stroke – praise God for His love and care – she survived – hence the trip to The Lakes.
We both needed the solitude of the hills where we could spend time alone with the Lord. I also had a decision to make. It was a straight choice. Continue working full-time in the work I loved, or give it all up to care for mum who was at risk if left alone? I needed advice from Someone who knew what the future months and years would hold for us both. Only the Lord could give it.
That day we found a great mountain lake, framed by blue skies reflected on the serene surface of the lake below. As I took in the scene, I sensed the pressure and stress that had characterized my life for months seeping away. It felt as though I were exhaling after a prolonged period of time in which I had been holding my breath. I don’t remember how long I looked at that peaceful scene, but I was in no hurry to get away.
As time passed, it occurred to me that the world was a far bigger place than I had lately made it. I had been obsessing over my tiny slice of it, forgetting that the world God made is expansive, full of possibilities. I felt a new freedom to step into an unexpected possibility that had recently presented itself. When I returned home, I had made my decision to give up my employment and begin the next phase of my 'career'
Sitting by that mountain lake—this experience – one of many, convinced me it is possible to sense God’s presence simply by experiencing the wonder of his creation. I knew that when I returned home I would find the same solace and Presence in our own small garden whenever the pressure of caring mounted. I could, and can, attend His drop-in advice sessions as and when need arises.
When was the last time you were able to sense God’s presence in the midst of His creation? I encourage you to make time this week to take in the beauty of the world that He has made – even if it has to be your own garden. Take your worries and dilemmas with you, talk them over. If you have a decision to make that will also affect the lives of others, talk it over, the Lord will give you all the time you need, then step out in faith – you won't regret it – I know I didn't.
At this time of year the autumn scenery is gorgeous!!
“God's Beautiful Creation” - how can we not believe! Click on the picture of autumn in Ambleside to listen. Enjoy.
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