Daily Reading
Return to BlogOctober 18 - True giving
41 Jesus sat near the Temple collection box and watched as people put money into it. Many rich people put in a lot of money. 42 Then a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth less than a penny. 43 Jesus called his followers to him and said, “This poor widow put in only two small coins. But the truth is, she gave more than all those rich people. 44 They have plenty, and they gave only what they did not need. This woman is very poor, but she gave all she had. It was money she needed to live on.” Mark 12: 41-44
The story of the widow’s mite in the gospel of Mark is often held up as an example, in Christendom, of heart rather than wealth giving. My definition of these concepts being the difference between giving because you can afford to, as opposed to giving because spiritually you can’t afford not to.
I have heard sermons on this and indeed read this passage many times. However, I really did not grasp the true concept until I came across this video below. A random stranger is presented with a large some of money and she has 24hours to decide whether to take it or give it away. I won’t do a spoiler by giving away the outcome, all I will say is to watch until the end.
May we all have this mite of faith.
No music today. Please click on the picture to watch the video clip. You might need a hanky, I did.
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