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October 14-15 - Meet my friend

October 14-15 – Meet my Friend

"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made" - Psalms 139:13-14

Would you like to be introduced?
May I introduce you to Jesus? You may not know him yet on an intimate basis but I can assure you that he knows you. In Psalm 139 the Bible tells us that even before we were a twinkle in our parent's eye, Jesus knew us – knew exactly how many hairs we would have on our heads.

So from the very beginning of our lives He was there. And that little tug you may be feeling on your heart when you least expect it, or right now, that is the Holy Spirit calling you into a new adventure, a new relationship, deep, intimate and loving.

If you've ever been told that following Jesus (being a Christian) is a bunch of rules, regulations, do's and don'ts I can tell you that isn't true. Yes, there is a moral code of conduct (the 10 Commandments), but they are all about friendship, acceptance and love.

Jesus makes it plain. This is how He summarises the Commandments:

Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments” -

Matthew 22:36-40 NIV

But I don't want to mislead you; it's also about total surrender and counting the cost. It cost Jesus everything when He went to the cross on your behalf and it will cost you everything when you make him Lord of your life. Step out, your life is about to begin!

I can tell you, Jesus is worth knowing more than any other person you have ever met, or will meet. There's a little spot – a God spot - in the centre of your hearts that is empty and lonely waiting for God's love and Jesus is the only one who can fill it. He's the only one who can take away all of our sins as if they'd never been committed. Jesus accepts us as we are and then transforms us into who God created us to be our best selves - our real destiny.

One of my very favourite things about Jesus is that we can be honest with him....tell him what we really think and how we really feel. Talk to him every day – friend to friend - spend time with him - stay close to Him and you'll never be alone for the rest of your life…if you decide to meet him that is.

The first step

Barbara Lardinais writes: Are you ready to make the step? If you are, there is a simple procedure. This isn't like a job application or admission to a selective university. You can know going in that you are going to be accepted if you are sincere. I didn't meet Jesus in a church or through another person, although that is fine and many have found him that way. I was alone in my bedroom. This is all about the heart. The procedure is to simply ask Him to come into your heart. Tell Him you are ready to make him Lord of your life. Tell Him you are done with your own ways and your own plans. Ask Him to make you clean from every wrong thing you have ever done. Tell Him you love him and you will follow Him for the rest of your life as He gives you the grace to do so. Use your own words; speak out of your own heart. That's it. That is the first step to the rest of your life.

Take it now....you have a marvelous trip ahead of you. If we never meet on this earth, I'm confident I'll see you in eternity.

Dallas Holm sings “Come Unto Jesus” - music choice today. Click on the picture to listen.



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