Daily Reading
Return to BlogMay 16 - Seekers wanted.
‘Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.’ Romans 15:7
In my opinion there are certain things that you should not do in church. For example eat food, apart from partaking in the communion service. I have seen some people who should know better do it, but as I said, they should know better. Another thing, is to show too much skin. When the sun comes out some individuals use this as an excuse to parade their naked flesh to
the congregation. I have seen some people who should know better do this, but as I said, they should know better. There are many other things but one more subtle thing, is to make the presentations from the front solely for the baptised, indoctrinated church going public. Whether it be a sermon, a presentation or an announcement, the listening congregation should be addressed in a ‘seeker friendly manner.’
Imagine if you were a visitor for the first time in your congregation, would there be a plan in place for someone to sit next to you to take you through what was happening? Would there be members assigned to feed you? Are there announcements telling you where the facilities are? Are there people assigned to meet and greet you?
Is your church seeker friendly? Something to ponder.
Sandi Patty, Larnelle Harris and Steve Green sing ‘Seekers of your heart’. Click on the picture to listen.
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