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MARCH 16 - Late starter?

March 16

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Hebrews 13:8

Have you ever considered being a late starter? To be honest it is not a concept that on first presentation seems to hold much promise. I know that in F1 car racing, the car which starts late usually ends up at the back on the race. Likewise, the sprinter who pulls off last after the starter gun has sounded, rarely finished the race at the front.

I was recently asked when was the right time to begin learning a musical instrument. I replied as soon as you can as long as there is interest and enthusiasm. The reply came back

“Well it’s too late for me now, I’m 29.”

I smiled.

Consider some of these individuals who were considered late starters.

Mary Wesley - had her first novel, Jumping The Queue, published when she was 70

Colonel Sanders - real name Harland Sanders, started his KFC empire at the age of 65. He had previously worked as farmhand, an army mule-tender and a locomotive fireman

Fauja Singh - the 103-year-old marathon runner took part in his first marathon at the age of 89. He is thought to be the oldest marathon runner in the world.

Peter Mark Roget published the Roget’s Thesaurus that made him a household name when he was 73.

Anna Mary Robertson Moses, better know as Grandma Moses, started painting when she was 75 and ended up becoming one of the most famous American painters.


It is never too late to begin something worthwhile like to renew your relationship with Jesus. Or if you feel like you’ve never really had one that was deep and meaningful, start now - begin today. With Jesus, you will never be classed as a late bloomer.


Our song today is 'Smile' by Kirk Franklin. Listen to the words and you will know why.



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