Daily Reading
Return to BlogJune 29 - O taste!
29 Jun, 2015
June 29
'O taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man that trusteth in him.' Psalm 34:8

Recently I attended a church cultural day. It was amazing. Colourful clothes, beautiful singing in many languages, hearty Christian fellowship and then the small matter of THE FOOD! It should have been called 'a taste of culture' as there was a bountiful selection of Christian dishes lovingly cooked by all of the members for everyone to sample. It was extremely difficult not to overeat! The temptation was to just get the best of the food from the cuisine that you recognised.
The challenge, however, was to try a dish from another country and give your tasting palette a new experience. What helped was that the cook at each station told you how each dish was prepared, the ingredients and how it is served within each culture.

The challenge, however, was to try a dish from another country and give your tasting palette a new experience. What helped was that the cook at each station told you how each dish was prepared, the ingredients and how it is served within each culture.

It reminded me of the key text,
'O taste and see that the lord is good, blessed is the man that trusteth in him'
I admitted to a natural health doctor once that I struggled to eat raw tomatoes and he gave me a piece of advice which has slowly reformed my eating habits.
"Instead of eating just what you enjoy, try to think of food not just as tasty fuel but as medicine."
When I slowly digested that concept I was surprised how my diet changed. Like the food at the cultural experience our spiritual diet should be viewed as medicine as what we put in or leave out could have everlasting consequences.
I pray today that you would encounter your walk with God with a new zeal and taste the goodness of his word.

Our song today is 'Taste and see' by Angrisano. Click on the picture to listen.
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