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JUNE 26-27 - You Cussed!

JUNE 26-27 – You Cussed!

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it” - Proverbs 22: 6

"You shall therefore impress these words of mine on your heart and on your soul; and you shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontals on your forehead. "You shall teach them to your sons, talking of them when you sit in your house and when you walk along the road and when you lie down and when you rise up.…” - Deuteronomy 11:18-19

A church minister on a trip to America was sightseeing around the town of Albany. He found a park bench, sat down to eat his sandwiches. As he ate he felt he was being watched. Turning around he came face to face with an eleven/twelve year old boy – eyes big, and face creased with curiosity. “What's your name?” he finally asked, then, “What you eatin'?” “Where you from?” - Tennessee? “Where's that?” “What're you doin' 'ere?” To the last question the minister told him he'd gone to Albany to preach. “What does it mean to preach?” he asked. It means to tell others about Jesus.” Hearing the word “Jesus,” the boy's eyes widened, and he promptly put his hand over his mouth. “;Jesus.;” he whispered. “Mister, don't you know?” “Know what?” “That's a cuss word!” It dawned on the minister that the only time the child had heard the name Jesus in his home or neighbourhood, it was used as a profanity.

If his parents hadn't taught him about the true Jesus, did he have grandparents? Children who have godly grandparents are truly blessed. Godly grandparents help develop deep roots that help children stand strong through the storms and trials life will inevitably throw at them.

Compare the Albany boy's home-life with that of Timothy's upbringing....”Now from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus” - 2 Timothy 3:15

Grandparents have become increasingly important in this 21st c. society, because of the breakdown of it's moral and social fibre. That, along with single parent families struggling to be both Mum and Dad, and homes where both parents work – yes, grandparents are invaluable. But what do children think?

In the words of an eight year old, this is what a grandmother means. A grandmother is a lady who has no children of her own, so she likes other people's boys and girls. Grandmas don't have anything to do except be there. If they take us for walks, they slow down past pretty leaves and caterpillars. They never say “Hurry up!”

Usually they are fat, but not too fat to tie shoes. They wear glasses, and sometimes they can take their teeth out. They can answer questions like why dogs hate cats and why God isn't married. They don't talk like visitors do which is hard to understand.

When they read to us, they don't skip words or mind if it's the same story again. Everybody should have a grandma, especially if you don't have television, because grandmas are the only grown ups who always have time.”

Yes, godly grandparents tell of the Jesus who is a child's friend – not 'Jesus,' a cuss word.

Music today is - “I Learned About Jesus in my Grandma's Rocking Chair” - the Hemphills PL



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