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JUNE 19-20 - Cords of Love

JUNE 19-20 - Cords of Love

I led them with cords of human kindness, with ties of love. To them I was like one who lifts a little child to the cheek, and I bent down to feed them” - Hosea 11:4

Our Daily Bread magazine once referred to a story told by naturalist S.L.Bastian, about a species of spider that builds it's nest, and hatches it's babies, in a tree or shrub. Any disturbance to the nest, and out rush the baby spiders. Immediately mum is at their side, alerted to danger by a unique bungee system.

Each young spider is attached to it's mother's body by a thin silky thread. Whenever the babies are threatened and they try to scurry off, each bungee line gives a sharp tug, instantly felt by mum. Within seconds she reels in each bungee line and tucks each baby spider back into the nest.

This brings to mind a story about Mary Slessor, the missionary. When she was working in Calabar (Nigeria), Her home was full of rescued babies, many sick and dying, making night care a problem. An ingenious idea came to Mary – tie a string to each baby's hammock and the other end to her hammock! It worked a treat. When a child became restless and cried, the hammock rocked and the string attached gave a gentle tug alerting Mary.

The prophet Hosea remind us that we are linked to cord with cords of love – cords that cannot be broken – these cords of His eternal love bind all of our hearts and hurts to Him, for His everlasting care and protection.

Today's music is “Bind us Together Lord” - WMV click on the picture to listen



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