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JULY 14 - Who Am I?

July 14 - Who Am I?

And Jesus went on with his disciples to the villages of Caesarea Philippi. And on the way he asked his disciples, “Who do people say that I am?” And they told him, “John the Baptist; and others say, Elijah; and others, one of the prophets.” And he asked them, “But who do you say that I am?” Peter answered him, “You are the Christ.” Mark 8:27-29

I saw a young child playing with her father as my car came to a traffic light stop. They were in a high vehicle next to me and he was turning around as they waited for the light to change. The relationship looked really playful and affectionate. The child was in a car seat and looked around 3 years old.

My eye was drawn to a notice in the car window. It was an acronym of the word 'Autism' spelling out the letters - Always Unique Totally Inspiring Sometimes Mysterious.

It made me smile especially as it was a definition that rang true with my knowledge of those on the autistic spectrum.

I asked around my Christian community and looked online for an acronym for Christian and came up with... nothing! Sure there were a few which were random words strung together which had spurious links but none I would classify as memorable.

Maybe you could think of one in your family devotion or as part of a youth program and send it over to me? I would gratefully receive it.

And finally what would that acronym say about you? Who do men say you are? Food for thought.

Our song today is 'Who do men say I am?' by Commissioned. Click on the picture to listen.



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