Daily Reading
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JULY 10-11 – Rivalry
“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” (1 Peter 4:10 NIV)
If milk is kept too warm for too long it will turn sour and curdle. The same applies to our dispositions – let aggravation stew without a cooling down period, and a bitter attitude is the result.
This reminds me of Martha, an organiser, who loved to offer hospitality – she took it seriously and was far more sober and practical than her sister Mary. Ask Martha to choose between a book and a broom, and the broom would win every time. Mary's priorities were different and she would take the book. Martha had things to do. Mary had thoughts to think.
Martha worried that things weren't right that day, and only she seemed bothered, She was in fact so bothered that the food wouldn;t be ready in time, she even started bossing Jesus around. Worry does that, you forget who is in charge.
Martha's attitude is understandable, her reasons good. Jesus has been invited to lunch – she's literally serving God – and all she wants to do is please Him. But the work she began for Him became more important than Jesus, her guest. What had begun as a way to serve God, slowly and subtly had turned into serving self.
Hands and arms covered in flour, flushed, and pummelling the bread dough, she glares at Mary through the doorway, grumbling to herself that Mary has 'left her to it,' and was just sitting on the floor listening to Jesus. Indignant she said, “Lord, don't you care that my sister has left me alone to do all the work? Tell her to help me” Luke 10:40. Yes, it's easy to forget who is in charge.
Satan used his same old tool of distorting the truth; he didn't take Martha out of the kitchen, but he changed the purpose of Martha being in the kitchen. The same with us. The devil won't take us away from our tasks, our ministry; he'll just disillusion us in our ministry, in our purpose. He'll distort every action, every thought, every plan, until we're convinced we are badly done by, and unsupported. What began as service for the Lord has become us, us, us. Remember, the thing that matters more than our service, is the heart behind the service.
God has gifted each of us with talents. Don't be envious, resentful and concerned with the seeming advantages of someone else's talents or position, and neglect the benefits and impact of your own. You are chosen and placed where you are, and your attitude could inspire others.
Acknowledgments to Max Lucado.
Today's music is “Born to Serve the Lord” LIVE. Click on the picture to listen.
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