Daily Reading
Return to BlogJanuary 5 - With the best will....
January 5 – With the best will....
“But without exception they all began to make excuses”. Luke 14:18
Like Richard, my fellow Netherfield 'blogger,' I'm not one for making New Year resolutions because I know come the following week I will inevitably have broken at least one of them. With the best will in the world I intend to keep them – I do, I really do, but....and here comes the problem. My self-esteem takes a dive because I feel I have failed to exercise my will-power and fallen flat on my face at the first hurdle – then come the excuses, and up and up they pile.
Sometimes our excuses pile up and get in the way of doing something for God. I read a humorous story related by Chuck Swindoll in a book he had written about Moses, when he was called by God, and his excuses to God.
The story is about some Soldier’s on furlough that I think illustrates this. “The commanding officer was furious when nine soldiers who had been out on passes failed to show up for morning roll call. Not until 7 p.m. did the first man straggle in. "I’m sorry, sir," the soldier explained, "but I had a date and lost track of time, and I missed the bus back. Being determined to get in on time, I hired a cab. Halfway here, the cab broke down. I went to a farmhouse and persuaded the farmer to sell me a horse. I was riding to camp when the animal fell over dead. I walked the last ten miles, and just got here." Though skeptical, the Colonel let the young man off with a reprimand. However, after him, seven other stragglers in a row came in with the same story-had a date, missed the bus, hired a cab, bought a horse, etc. By the time the ninth man reported in, the colonel had grown weary of it. "Okay," he growled, "now what happened to you?" "Sir, I had this date and missed the bus back, so I hired a cab ." "Wait!" the colonel screeched at him. "don’t tell me the cab broke down." "No, sir," replied the soldier. "The cab didn't break down. It was just that there were so many dead horses in the road, we had trouble getting through."
Excuses! (Contributed by John F. King
When we justify why we didn’t do what we should’ve, it’s easier to make excuses the next time. Every excuse we make may seem insignificant, but, when it has become a habit then “Excuses are the nails used to build a house of failure” (Don Wilder). Nobody sees the nails, but they are there.
In Luke 14, Jesus exposes excuses. Those who had been invited to the Great Banquet feast found many excuses for why they couldn’t attend, but none of the reasons were genuine.
But they all alike began to make excuses. The first said, “I have just bought a field, and I must go see it. Please excuse me.” Another said, “I have just bought five yoke of oxen, and I’m on my way to try them out. Please excuse me.” Still another said, “I just got married, so I can’t come” (Luke 14:18-20, NIV).
Excuses never make you better. And they don’t change your circumstances: they solidify them. When excuses become a habit, we’re running on a road to failure.
These three words are a sure sign of an excuse: could’ve, would’ve and should’ve. These words fit like a hand in a glove with failed New Year resolutions.
Now I know this sounds contradictory. Like many of you, as the chimes, bells and fireworks of 2016 heralded in the new year of 2017, I chatted with the Lord about the past, present, and future – mine, and yours.
During our talk I became more and more convinced that the only resolution I have ever made over the years – to put my hand into the Lord's and determine to walk more closely with Him, has been the only one I have consistently made year after year, and have made again this year.
Yes, there are times I have failed because I have tried to do it in my own strength. Like Peter in the storm (Matthew 14:28-30) I have sunk below the waves because I took my eyes off the Lord and let go of His hand.
I pray, this year, for you and your loved ones, and me, that our resolve to walk closer with the Lord will, by His grace and the Holy Spirit, go from strength to strength.
Music today is from Bryn's collection - Marilla Ness sings "Walk Humbly With Your God"
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