Daily Reading
Return to BlogJanuary 31 - Don't change yourselves
Don’t change yourselves to be like the people of this world, but let God change you inside with a new way of thinking. Then you will be able to understand and accept what God wants for you. You will be able to know what is good and pleasing to him and what is perfect. Romans 12:2
Recently I brought something from my local shop. As I went to insert my debit card the casher said,” You don’t need to do that, just pay using contactless.” When I replied that I didn’t have it, he questioned me and asked to see my card. After he had examined it and found that, indeed, it did not have the symbol he offered me this piece of advice. “If I were you I would go the bank and ask them to exchange it for a new card as everyone has one nowadays, you don’t want to be left behind”
The phrase ‘keeping up with the …’ can be translated into all cultures I believe. It is when a person feels, usually through social pressure, that they have to do whatever it takes to be seen to be on par with the ‘movers and the shakers’. Credit cards are maxed out, relationships are put under strain and work becomes the third person in the marriage. Children are constantly unhappy that they don’t look the same as their friends and so nag their already stressed parents into money submission. Even if you don’t have children, or are not in a relationship, I am sure that you can relate to the premise.
The world is rapidly moving into areas of thought, technology and reason that could have not been imagined even 10 years ago. Some areas like health, where advances are being made to prolong and save lives, are good. Whereas other areas, like sexuality and gender, where unless you adopt the conformist attitude put forward by a more hedonistic and deviant society, leaving many feeling pressured to accept what the government says as the norm, are not so good.
One of the challenges for Christians is to let God continue to be the King of their minds, not the populist views of social media. If we are living in an age, indeed the last days, where every opinion has weight, why not Gods?
Quite frankly, if I have to conform to be accepted by the world, I would rather be ‘left behind’ wouldn’t you? Think about it. Share it.
Take 6 sing ‘This is another day.’ Click on the picture to listen.
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