Daily Reading
Return to BlogJanuary 3 - Add-ons...
‘But I will call on God, and the LORD will rescue me. Morning, noon, and night I cry out in my distress, and the LORD hears my voice’. Psalm 55:16-17
Add-on’s are things which are usually an after thought but are still important. That is my definition as I do not believe that Google has the answer to everything.
Do you have a list of things that you plan out in your head, but never make it to the ‘real world’? Do you have a to-do list written out or otherwise? If so, then like most of us, you probably suffer from procrastination anxiety.
I remember when I foolishly decided to become a full time student whilst holding down a full time job. Not the wisest idea, but at the time I rationalised that I could handle it. Come the time for my dissertation every time I drove past or even near the institution of learning where I was studying, I would have panic attacks and my speed would increase to the point where I almost got a ticket.
Whilst blogging should not come into this category, I know that I share this time sensitive anxiety with my counterpart Shiella, who shares this space at the end of the week. We regularly have conversations about the relief we feel when we know we have accomplished our quota for the week. However, we are aware that it is not a life or death situation if we miss a blog and it isn’t like a real job where cash-flow will be disrupted if we do not produce on time.
It got me thinking today about the most important deadline that we should not miss. That is our time with Jesus. Do we get a real sense of anxiety if if miss our morning/evening devotional or if we are late for Sabbath school? What about if we forget to say thank you before we tuck into our healthy sandwich at work or worse still around the dinner table.
Maybe we should out Jesus at the top of our to-do list and the real God of our live should not just something that we use as an add-on after everything else has been ticked off and we have spare time left.
Remember we cannot make time, God has already done that, all we have to do is organise it better.
Charley Pride sings ‘Take time out for Jesus’. Click on the picture to listen.
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