Daily Reading
Return to BlogJanuary 2 - Give them all to Jesus
‘Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship’. Romans 12:1
How will you reflect on the year 2016? There were plenty of highlights. WITHOUT doing a google search a couple of things stand out for me as front page news.
- The political shocks of Brexit and the Trump presidency.
- ISIS steps up its campaign in mindless killings.
The country of Zimbabwe was plunged into further mire as more sanctions were upheld against the wilful president.
- England had a new football manager for 67 days before he got greedy and had to resign over a corruption scam.
- Lots of well known pop music and celebrity ‘stars’ died, some in dubious circumstances.
I am sure there are many more. However, on a spiritual level did the year bring you closer to Jesus? Did you put in place in 2016 that on reflection spiritually you are now reaping the benefits?
I do not do new year resolutions as they do not work for me. However, I do do endeavours. Please endeavour this year to work closer with your family to do all that you can to get closer to Christ. For those of us with children who we would like to see develop a relationship with with Christ that does not require our gentle prodding, take a minute more on your knees, like I endeavour to do, to offer them up to Jesus.
Terry Blackwood sing ‘Give them all to Jesus’. Click on the picture to listen.
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