Daily Reading
Return to BlogJanuary 10 - Take a look inside!
16 Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited. 17 Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone. 18 If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. Romans 12:16-18
Recently I did some work at two very different school. See if you can spot the differences.
The first school was in what you would term as a socially deprived neighbourhood. A high percentage of the children could not afford school uniform and were on school meals. The parents were supportive of the school, and wanted more for their children than it looked they had managed to achieve for themselves. On the outside the building looked like it had seen better days but on the inside was a hive of activity. In general, the children were well mannered and hungry to learn and improve themselves. Sure, there were challenges but the working environment was fresh and happy.
The second school sits in a ‘good’ leafy suburb, well sort after area to live in. On route I couldn’t help but notice the abundance of shinning new German 4x4 cars, coupled with well dressed parents and children happily making their way. The building, whilst not new, had benefitted from an extensive refurbishment. Inside, however was another story. I found the children to be rude, constantly pushing boundaries and the teachers stressed to the hilt from the demands of parents who vocalised that their offspring could ‘do no wrong’.
Where is your church situated? Is it in the ‘right’ area at the ‘right’ end of town? Or is it situated downtown next to a council estate? Is your church board full of listeners or dictators? Is it more important to you the way your church looks on the inside than how the church can serve the people on the outside?
As people we are naturally judgement, in fact we usually make up our minds based upon what our eyes see before we know any of the facts. Let us all endeavour to use concentrate on what is on the inside, our hearts, so that we can show the world that we love them as Jesus did. Take a moment to take a look inside your own heart.
Todays music, chosen by Bryn, is by Cece Winans, ‘Holy Spirit come and fill this place’. Click on the picture to listen.
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