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FEBRUARY 6-7 - Winners or losers?.'


'Jabez was more honourable than his brothers, and his mother named him Jabez saying, “Because I bore him with pain.” Now Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, “Oh that you would bless me indeed and enlarge my border, and that your hand might be with me, and that You would keep me from harm that it may not pain me!” And God granted him what he requested.' (1 Chronicles 4: 9-10)

In the Special Olympics only the most elite athletes who have special physical needs, qualify to take part in the Olympic Games. Special equipment too is part and parcel of these games to compensate for, and assist with, the physical needs of the contestants – i,e. Wheelchairs, leg braces, catheters etc. But the Special Olympians all have in common with Olympic contestants, a desire to compete....total focus on their goal, and the courage to overcome physical obstacles few of us can imagine.

One such person comes to mind is the British artist Sue Austin who features the world's first underwater wheelchair. Sue used the underwater wheelchair in a series of choreographed acrobatic underwater events produced through Freewheeling as part of the London 2012 Festival during the Olympic and Paralympic Games. http://www.wearefreewheeling.org.uk/freewheeling-creating-the-spectacle-home. Sue's aim is to transform preconceptions, and create positive empowering images to inspire people on a Global scale.

Sue says: “I’m thrilled that lots of people have been inspired by the project, many of them telling me how seeing the wheelchair underwater has made them want to try it too....because no one has ever heard of an underwater wheelchair before (and it is about creating new ways of seeing, being and knowing)....they’re realising that it’s actually extending the boundaries for all of us. We’ve created something new and exciting and it’s really getting people talking. As a result, they’re realising that viewing the world from a different perspective inspires them to be free to explore new experiences. I now call my underwater wheelchair 'Portal' because it has literally pushed me through into a new dimension, into a new way of being." Take a look at the video of Sue in the sea, and you will find it as awesome I do https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IPh533ht5AU.

In many ways Sue Austin reminds me of Jabez – we find his story in 1 Chronicles 4:9-10. Jabez was born with a disadvantage – his name. For some reason, possibly a painful birth experience, his mother chose to give him the name Jabez – translated it means “pain.” Another interpretation of his name in other Old Testament contexts is “idol.” Maybe Jabez's mother made an idol of her pain, and thereby her son. Like Sue's physical handicap could have been, Jabez's name could have disqualified them both from any semblance of a useful life. But this wasn't to be.

I don't know if Sue Austin has a faith and believes in God – I would be surprised if she doesn't, because her strength, courage and determination to break barriers of prejudice, and change attitudes towards people with disabilities, in my mind, comes from only one source. Jabez did believe in God – read his prayer in 1 Chronicles 4:9-10. There he asks that God will not only bless him, but “bless me indeed.”....and “enlarge my borders”....and “keep me safe.” In common, Sue and Jabez show humility, love, faith, hope, and passion. Instead of becoming victims, they became victors.

Whether we like it or not, in some way or other we were all born with a disadvantage. Charles Swindoll poses the question – 'Will you let your disadvantages disqualify you, or will you get out onto the track and compete? Will you trust God to get you to the finish line? Every race, whether it's a 5K or a marathon, starts with the first step. God is calling you to take that step today – to stop simply “faith talking” and start “faith walking.”

Today's music is very different – thank you Bryn. “No Arms, No Legs, No Worries.”  Cick on the picture - have faith, the waters will part!



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