Daily Reading
Return to BlogFebruary 10 -Should I have an opinion?
“Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.” Matthew 24:44
These two articles concerning education may or may not have caught your attention. Published separately by different media outlets, the online magazine ‘Christian Today’ picked them up.
Religious leaders have urged the government to include Humanism in the new religious studies GCSE. Former Archbishop of Canterbury Lord Rowan Williams is among 28 faith leaders who signed a letter to Schools Minister Nick Gibb, calling on him to add Humanism to a list of faiths included in the proposals. Under the current plan, students will have to study two major faiths out of Christianity, Catholicism, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism and Buddhism. It is hoped that this will increase religious literacy among the younger generations. Critics, however, believe that pupils should have the option to study a non-religious or humanist worldview. christianitytoday February 5 2015
For those who are unsure, Humanism teaches that people should rely on reason, science and empathy towards other people and animals to be good and find fulfilment without the need for a deity or a hope of Heaven. This is a view that does not uphold or support what the bible teaches.
Article 2
The Church of England has indicated it will comply with new rules that will compel all schools including faith schools actively to promote fundamental British values, including tolerance for other faiths and lifestyles.
Inspectors will be able to take action against schools that do not conform to the Equality Act, which encourages respect for lesbian, gay and transgender people along with other religions and races.
Morgan, a committed Christian who has changed her mind and now supports same-sex marriage, told the Sunday Times it was "crucial" that Christian and Jewish schools, as well as Muslim ones, followed the new rules. christianitytoday November 4 2014
We need to have a burden in our hearts for our young people. Living in a media and technology driven age where texts and phone calls replace even the simplest of conversations in the home, schools now are slowly eroding the Christian model of the home and the family. Faith schools are being instructed by a liberal minded government what they should teach. Religious Studies or Education is now evolving to include what is this permissive society deems as ‘progressive thought.’
Even if we are not in the direct line of fire i.e. not of school age or have children at school, there is a need to be concerned. But what can we do? We do not hold office in the government nor have we that level of influence at school. Pray, we can pray. Not only for our young people still in the system but for those who are a part of it. For as the key text says,
“Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.”
So, should I have an opinion? Yes I think so, but it nees to be voiced in love, without condemnation and with the facts from the true source, the bible.
'The King is coming' is our song for today by the Gaithers. Thank you for the reminder Bryn.
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