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December 19 - What shall we then say to these things?

December 19

‘What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?’ Romans 8:31

I just want to share how our church witnessing event went. Last week I shared that our church had been invited to sing to carols at our local Coop. This had come about after 10 years of trying to get a foothold into the community with little success.

After a short Sabbath church service, we collected our equipment and sauntered across to the Coop where we presented 6 readings and 5 carols. They were very kind and found us a spot right next to the entrance so shoppers had to pass us. Although we were competing with ‘Cooperative radio’ which they could not turn off, we made a joyful noise unto the Lord and a few people stopped to listen, whilst one lady gave us a round of applause as she paid for her goods.

Afterwards I spoke to one of our members who help me put into perspective how this event had come about. Dave shared with me that he and another member, Bryn, had gone on a prayer walk around the church area a few weeks previously. They had stopped to pray at each road and had prayed next to the Coop. So, bearing in mind that each week outside the Coop there are various groups with their stands either giving out religious literature or trying to get you to donate to a pet sanctuary, we were pretty amazed that the store manager walked right past these groups and asked us. This, I believe, was a direct answer to prayer. Sometimes music can reach areas of a heart that a thousand-word sermon cannot.

I have learned that God will give you exactly what you need at the correct time, not necessarily when you think that you need it.

Heritage Singers – ‘I am not ashamed of the gospel.’ Click on the picture to listen.



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