Daily Reading
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December 15 – Better than an Xbox!
"In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how He Himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’” Acts 20:35 ESV
A week on Sunday and it will be Christmas Day - .the "biggie" is not far off. I'm not thinking about Christmas from the viewpoint of the Supermarket scrum, gifts to buy, cakes to bake, cards to send etc. I'm talking about a spiritual experience.
Now is the time to plan for a really spectacular Christmas that you will never forget. Barbara Lardinais tells of a very memorable Christmas that she and her family had some years ago. It took some planning but it was P-E-R-F-E-C-T.
About this time of year back then an idea popped into her head that they should consider doing Christmas a different way for once. There would be no gifts at all under the tree on Christmas morning. Instead they planned that the whole month before December 25th would be a constant gift giving to each other. Some items might be purchased but the emphasis was on time and thoughtfulness. The idea took hold; everyone liked it, and each began to strategize on how to out do each other in creativity.
The gift as a Christmas present was announced as it was given.. For instance, one person might do chores for one of them and leave a note: “Merry Christmas!” There were special shopping trips, time alone with each other, letters and notes, cooking of favourite foods, little surprise treats - on and on it went. The family had the best fun that month than they'd ever had, and were astounded at the load of gifts they each received.
Christmas morning was the best. They sat around their tree and read the traditional scripture; Luke 2. They reflected on how God the Father had given His Son Jesus on that day and how their special Christmas had reflected that spirit of giving in a unique way.
What a wonderful way to get back to basics and the true meaning of Christmas – especially this year 2016, when an impromptu survey of Christmas shoppers showed that the average family is looking at spending £400 plus on food and entertainment. On top of that reckon in the high cost of the latest technology children crave.
- Many years later, Barbara and family still talk about that year – the year she and her family gave each other the most precious gifts they could give....themselves....their time....their love. Isn't that what Jesus did that first Christmas? - Himself....His time....His love? .
“He is here” (LIVE) performed by The Gaithers is today's music. Click on the picture to listen.
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