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December 13 - Blessed are the peacemakers

December 13

‘Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God. Matthew 5:9 (NKJV)

Hacksaw Ridge is here. It premiered on October 26, 2016 in Los Angeles, California but was released on November 4 in the USA and a day earlier in Australia. It is released in the UK on January 27, 2017. If you are an Adventist and have not heard about the former solider Desmond Doss, I think it might be an idea that you do some research as in the coming months you just might be asked about him.

Why? Because I believe the Adventist church has been granted an unprecedented opportunity to talk about their faith on account of the main stream film ‘Hacksaw Ridge’ directed by Mel Gibson, which has recently opened to rave reviews. If you do not intend on watching the film this complete press conference with the director, producer and cast members is very informative.

A question was asked why did the director chose to talk about the specific faith of Desmond Doss when he could have just made a film about a Christian solider. The complete answer can be found at time marker 5.42. One of the writers Robert Schenkkan began his answer with this statement

“I don’t think that you could tell the story of Desmond Doss and ignore his faith, his religious practise. It was very important to all of us to get this right, to be accurate. It undergirds who he is…”

‘Hacksaw Ridge opens unprecedented witnessing opportunities in Central Europe’ is just headline the internet unfolds. Indeed, BUC Communications department leader Richard Daly pulls together information from the world wide Adventist community in an article which can be found here.

In the manner that most befits you, be informed and help spread the gospel.

‘This is your life’. Click on the picture to hear testimonies from men whose live were saved and see Desmond Doss in this 1959 special. Thank you Bryn for sending me the links.



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