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December 12 - Fishing for men

December 12

Matthew 4:19 Jesus called out to them, “Come, follow me, and I will show you how to fish for people!”

I belong to a small congregation. When I mean small, when every member is there, baptised or otherwise we total less than 20 including children. One of our burdens has been about evangelism and letting our local community know who we are and that we are just like them; sinners in need of a saviour. Door knocking has become increasing difficulty not just here in the UK but all over the world because of concerns about extremist views and just being safe in general in your own home.

So against this background something amazing happened at the weekend that I would like our readers to pray about.

Each Christmas we have a license to sing carols next to our church, so we cancel our normal church service roll our a piano or guitar and gather around usual one mic and sing for about 20 minutes. Even though we know Jesus wasn’t born at this time of year we use this opportunity to remind people about the reason they are buying presents! So on Sabbath while we were singing a lady from the local Coop (a small general food store) came across with a Christmas jumper and hat on and waited until we had finished our carol and begun her sentence

“I don’t want to be rude but… could you come and sing inside our store next week for about 20 minutes?”

We were fearing that she was going to tell us we were disturbing her shoppers or ask for our street license (which we have!).

So what we need now are your prayers that next week someone will be touched, not by the singing of the carols but by the Saviour we are going to sing about. This could be the key to unlock the door to their hearts for Jesus.

MattNickleMusic sing ‘O holy night’. Click on the picture to listen.



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