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AUGUST 27 - Beacon of hope

“But the eyes of the LORD are on those who fear him, on those whose hope is in his unfailing love” (Psalm 33:18).

I was looking out of the window at the leaves already falling from the trees in the garden as I flicked through some articles, and came across the following, by Alan Bullock who writes in Daystar, breaking the thoughts running through my mind.

As Christians we often wonder what it would have been like to have walked along the shore of Galilee with Jesus and hear him teach, heal the leper, open the eyes of the blind and turn five loaves and two fish into enough food to feed five thousand. What was it like to stand next to Him as He said, “Lazarus come forth” and a man who had been dead for days came back to life? While it is true that you and I weren’t there to see these miracles nor stand at the foot of the cross and witness Him suffer and die for our sins, we can travel back in time to experience these life-changing events by reading the Bible — the most important book ever written. (Our Beacon of Hope)

I did not see Him die on the tree
Or touch the nail-scarred hands.
Nor see the leper healed of his disease,
Or walk with Him on Galilee’s sand.
Yet, I believe that He is Lord

Though I didn’t see the empty tomb;
Or stand by Him at Golgotha’s ford,
But I sense His presence in my room.
For I see His face in every flower,
And His blood in every rose.
He is the light in my darkest hour,
A beacon of hope that glows.

We can read about Him in one of the six billion Bibles that have been published just as we can envision Him radiating through the universe of our daily lives. The tree laden forests, oceans and streams, billowing clouds and ominous thunderstorms, roses and lilies, breathtaking mountains and delicate snowflakes all eloquently argue for the existence of a Master Creator.  Roses are the color of the blood He shed for us at Calvary.

Mountains are a sign of his strength. The sky represents his expansive and endless love. The air we breathe sings of his ability to sustain us in the most difficult of situations and the rainbow, in its unique multifaceted beauty, tells us He is here for us no matter how daunting life might become. The clouds whisper that our storms will pass because He cares for us.

A tree reminds us of the Cross and a graceful sparrow, circling overhead, reminds us of His compassion for even the smallest of creatures. If you are experiencing a wintery season in your life and spring has yet to bring fresh flowers of hope and peace, why not take a moment to pray? Ask the Lord to fill you with His presence and know that His light of love will shine as a mighty beacon of hope, penetrating the darkness and granting you victory over insurmountable odds. Christ is our Beacon of Hope!

Hope is the supernatural strength God grants us, allowing us to move forward during our darkest hour.

What other music could there be but “O, The Wonder of it All” -



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