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Return to BlogAugust 24 - Wait! Part 1
24 Aug, 2015
August 24
'Wait patiently for the Lord. Be brave and couragious.' Psalm 27:14
It’s in looking back that we realise: 1) God had something better in mind for us. 2) We weren’t mature enough at that point to handle what we were asking Him for. We think we’re ready, but God knows when we are.
Over forty times in the Bible we’re commanded to ‘wait on the Lord’. Learning to wait is a test of maturity. Scott Peck writes: ‘Delaying gratification is a process of scheduling the pain and pleasure of life in such a way as to enhance the pleasure by meeting and experiencing the pain first and getting it over with… It’s the only decent way to live.’ Waiting forces us to accept that we’re not in control. It humbles us in ways we need to be humbled. Consider the trapeze artist: for a split second, which must feel like an eternity, he or she is suspended in nothingness. The
y can’t go back, and it’s too soon to feel the grasp of the one who’ll catch them. They must wait in absolute trust. You may be at that same point in your life right now. You’ve let go of what God called you to let go of, but you can’t feel His hand catching you yet. Moses waited eighty years for a ministry that lasted forty years—two-thirds of his life was spent getting ready! Jesus spent thirty years preparing for a ministry that would last three-and-a-half years.
From God’s perspective, your life isn’t measured by its length, but by its effectiveness and its impact for His kingdom. So wait, and keep a good attitude while you’re doing it. God won’t disappoint you. Part 2 tomorrow.
(Word for today)
Todays music is 'We will wait' by Ron kenoly. Click on the picture to listen.
'Wait patiently for the Lord. Be brave and couragious.' Psalm 27:14

Over forty times in the Bible we’re commanded to ‘wait on the Lord’. Learning to wait is a test of maturity. Scott Peck writes: ‘Delaying gratification is a process of scheduling the pain and pleasure of life in such a way as to enhance the pleasure by meeting and experiencing the pain first and getting it over with… It’s the only decent way to live.’ Waiting forces us to accept that we’re not in control. It humbles us in ways we need to be humbled. Consider the trapeze artist: for a split second, which must feel like an eternity, he or she is suspended in nothingness. The

From God’s perspective, your life isn’t measured by its length, but by its effectiveness and its impact for His kingdom. So wait, and keep a good attitude while you’re doing it. God won’t disappoint you. Part 2 tomorrow.
(Word for today)
Todays music is 'We will wait' by Ron kenoly. Click on the picture to listen.

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