Daily Reading
Return to BlogAugust 17 - Flight of fancy
17 Aug, 2016
"As a shepherd cares for his herd in the day when he is among his scattered sheep, so I will care for My sheep and will deliver them from all the places to which they were scattered on a cloudy and gloomy day" - Ezekiel 34:12
The dog and the parrot. No its not the new pub round the corner, this is the story of how God looks after the little things of life.

The dog and the parrot. No its not the new pub round the corner, this is the story of how God looks after the little things of life.
My wife Ludy has a parrot named Ola, an African Grey who has a good vocabulary. His latest sound is the beeps used to start Olympic cycle races. He decided to fly yesterday - outside.
There was an immediate rush to hunt for the parrot. I wasn't involved as I was working. The family were off calling for a parrot who had disappeared.
After some time I found out about the promenading parrot and became involved. My first action was to pray, the second action was to take our Belgian Shepherd dog (think Alsatian but beautiful) to the parrot's cage for a sniff of the cage. We then went a walk. The dog went left. The dog never goes left. The dog carried on for about 50 metres. We stopped when we heard the parrot.

Our pesky parrot was high up on a roof happily pretending he was a sparrow on steroids.
Ludy was informed and we borrowed a ladder for her to climb up on the roof. We borrowed a man to hold the ladder as Ludy climbed from one roof to another. The parrot was rescued.
The lesson? Pray about the little things. Know that God looks after sparrows and parrots. If He can do that He can look after you when it comes to you deciding that you need to make serious inroads into indebtedness.

Our music today will be "Where Could I Go From Your Spirit?" - sung by Kelly Willard. Click on the dog to listen.
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