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APRIL 30 - Right is Might

APRIL 30 – “Right is Might”

!I will go in the strength of the Lord GOD:  I will make mention of Thy righteousness, even of Thine only" - Psalm 71:6

Thus will shine the dawn”....so said Churchill. Sir Winston Churchill was famous for many things. A man of many interests and abilities, he embraced politics, history, writing, art, and even brick-laying! He was known to be a law unto himself. But what about other dimensions of his life?

Nobody has ever written an article or book, on Churchill's faith. He had faith in the successful outcome of World Wars One and Two. He had faith in the future of Great Britain, in the British people and in himself as Prime Minister. He didn't clutter up his mind with a head-full of facts – he left that to his experts. What he provided was the personal dynamic, and the faith that, after sweat and tears, would rise the broad sunlit uplands.

What he conveyed during these anxious years didn't come from behind any doctrinal strait-jacket, but from a caring heart capable of kindling the spark of hope in the breasts of millions of despairing men and women.

True, this great man may not have enjoyed heights of divine revelation, but he stood four-square, stubborn in his belief that right was might, and, in the over-ruling providence of the Almighty – many times he paid tribute to this.

Around the world right now, there are thousands of Christians who are suffering for the cause – martyrs for their faith, and their loyalty to God. Many millions of people more remain who are yet to accept Jesus as their Saviour. Do we have the Churchill spirit? Can we put hope in the hearts of millions of despairing men and women – a spark of hope? Do we have the strength? Are we four-square stubborn in our beliefs?

In one desperate hour Sir Winston Churchill reminded the country that God would give them strength. He once said, “Goodnight then. Sleep to gather strength for the morning, for morning will come. Brightly will it shine on the brave and true, kindly on those that suffer for the cause....thus will shine the dawn.”

Larnelle Harris and Sandy Patty present “Then Came The Morning” for our music today.



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